Flutter plugin to detect when app(not Flutter container) goes to background or foreground.
Flutter has WidgetsBindingObserver to get notified when app changes its state from active to inactive states and back. But it actually includes the state changes of the embedding Activity/ViewController as well. So if you have a plugin that opens a new activity/view controller(eg: image picker) or in iOS if you start a FaceID prompt then WidgetsBindingObserver will report as the app is inactive/resumed.
This plugin on the other hand reports the events only at app level. Since most apps need only background/foreground events this plugin is implemented with just those events. In iOS, plugin reports didEnterBackgroundNotification
and willEnterForegroundNotification
notifications and in Android, plugin reports these using androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process
Checkout example/
project to see the differences in action.
Add to your pubpsec:
flutter_fgbg: ^0.0.1
For null safe version:
flutter_fgbg: ^0.1.0
Use the built in Widget:
onEvent: (event) {
print(event); // FGBGType.foreground or FGBGType.background
child: ...,
Or consume the event stream directly:
import 'package:flutter_fgbg/flutter_fgbg.dart';
StreamSubscription<FGBGType> subscription;
// in initState
subscription = FGBGEvents.stream.listen((event) {
print(event); // FGBGType.foreground or FGBGType.background
// in dispose