React Native Concepts

Repository with react-native application to show and give likes to github repositories. The app was develeped during Rocketseat's GoStack bootcamp.

💻 Tech:

  • React Native
  • NodeJS
  • Axios
  • ESLint + Prettier

🏃 Run the project:

  # Clone this repository
  - git clone
  # Enter project directory
  - cd [project folder]
  # Install dependencies
  - yarn
  # Run the tests:
  - yarn test
  # Start the server
  - yarn dev
  • To run the project with correct integrations, you need the backend up and runnig, to do so just clone the backend repository avalaible in, start the server and have fun!

🍴 Contributing

  • Fork this repository;
  • Create a branch for your features;
  • Push your branch.