

This is the repository for annotated data and model for this paper:

Abhilash Potluri, Fangyuan Xu and Eunsol Choi. Concise Answers to Complex Questions: Summarization of Long-Form Answers. In: Proceedings of ACL. 2023.


All our annotated data is stored in the data folder, split into a train/dev/test split where each example is a json with the following fields:

  • type: The type of the annotation, all data should have summary as the value.
  • dataset: The dataset this QA pair belongs to, one of [NQ, ELI5, Web-GPT].
  • q_id: The question id, same as the original NQ or ELI5 dataset.
  • a_id: The answer id, same as the original ELI5 dataset. For NQ, we populate a dummy a_id (1).
  • question: The question.
  • answer_paragraph: The answer paragraph.
  • answer_sentences: The list of answer sentences, tokenzied from the answer paragraph.
  • summary_sentences: The list of summary sentence index (starting from 1).
  • is_summary_count: The list of count of annotators selecting this sentence as summary for the sentence in answer_sentences.
  • is_summary_1: List of boolean value indicating whether annotator one selected the corresponding sentence as a summary sentence.
  • is_summary_2: List of boolean value indicating whether annotator two selected the corresponding sentence as a summary sentence.
  • is_summary_3: List of boolean value indicating whether annotator three selected the corresponding sentence as a summary sentence.

The dataset can also be found on HuggingFace.


Each model sits in a different directory with its own environment file. Install conda and run the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml


cd models/t5_finetune/






cd models/PreSumm/




For the PreSumm model, run


For the finetuned model, run


After getting the prediction results, run below script to generated the thresholded predicitons.

python select_threshold_and_generate_test_pred.py 
--val_pred_path <path to val results> \
--test_pred_path <path to test results> \
--output_val_file_path <path to write thresholded val results> \
--output_test_file_path <path to write thresholded test results>


To run the zero-shot Pegasus model run the following command from the model/Pegasus (where model name is the checkpoint from HuggingFace you would like to use):

python pegasus.py --batch_size <chosen batch size> --model_name <chosen checkpoint name>


To run zero-shot with GPT-3 (specifically text-davinci-002), you need to have an OpenAI account and save your API key as the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY. Then navigate to the model/GPT folder and then you can just run:

python gpt_zeroshot.py

Automatic Evaluation

Each model has its own automatic evaluation script in the autoEval folder to compute the ROUGE scores of the predicted summaries (among other statistics like average length).

For example, to evaluate the T5 model output, you would run python t5.py and then it will also create a formatted csv that you can use as the input to bertScore.py in order to compute the BERTScore of the T5 model outputs.

Human Evaluation

We also provide the html template (in humanEval/study_template.html) of the annotation interface which we used for the human study.

All the collected annotations are provided in humanEval/results.csv (worker IDs are hashed to preserve anonymity).