- 2
Are install steps correct?
#76 opened by swarad07 - 2
- 0
Challenging some CMS restrictions
#75 opened by geertvansoest - 2
- 1
Integrate Reservoir with search
#66 opened by gollyg - 2
- 2
Lightning combined with Reservoir
#64 opened by simesy - 2
Drupal's Security Model
#71 opened by mgifford - 2
composer create-project acquia/reservoir-project reservoir-project --stability=alpha failed
#72 opened by popstas - 0
Scale images on advanced API form
#70 opened by NickDaelemans - 1
- 1
- 15
Add support for GraphQL
#59 opened by fubhy - 6
Error: Call to a member function getTypeName() with jsonapi tags and user resources
#14 opened by tormi - 0
Refreshing an access token
#62 opened by lwb4 - 2
Reservoir for production?
#34 opened by fabdelgado - 3
Demo content types + content should be optional during the installation process
#54 opened by danepowell - 2
Can't install views module
#27 opened by danepowell - 1
Error when running the curl request example
#46 opened by btmash - 0
Create a "Prepare for production" button
#32 opened by wimleers - 2
- 7
- 1
- 2
As a content editor I want to be able to use workflow to moderate my content between stages
#44 opened by jakubsuchy - 2
Protect the /admin/api/advanced route
#58 opened by CashWilliams - 0
- 1
jsonapi 404 spits out HTML
#49 opened by spoetnik - 7
- 1
API explorer ignores port numbers
#43 opened by jakubsuchy - 1
- 4
- 0
Figure out how to simplify the admin UI but not remove e.g. /admin/structure so that contrib module still work as expected
#38 opened by wimleers - 5
Is there any plans to support JWT tokens
#18 opened by berdyshev - 10
As a Drupalist, I want a UI that allows me access to the relevant standard features of Drupal
#22 opened by ba66e77 - 8
Need to provide ID when updating (PATCH) even though the URL contains the ID.
#26 opened by damontgomery - 6
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 1
Add back Manage Form tab to content types
#19 opened by tedbow - 3
- 3
Schema errors at SwaggerHub
#17 opened by tormi - 4
Cannot create clients
#9 opened by damontgomery - 3
Cannot assign roles to Clients
#8 opened by damontgomery - 2
Cannot access API documentation
#7 opened by damontgomery - 1
- 0
- 0