
Automate Creation of CloudFoundry deployment in AWS

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Automate Creation of CloudFoundry deployment in AWS

Automates steps outlined in http://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/customizing/cloudform.html

Progress So far

Given a configuration file you can create a fully working ops manager with Elastic Runtime tile staged.


  1. Supports Ops Manager 1.6 and 1.7.
  2. Uses network.pivotal.io / pivnet to resolve and fetch needed artifacts.
  3. Idempotence


  1. Fully configure elastic runtime
  2. Autocreate self signed ssl cert and arn
  3. Register Routes
  4. Configure HA parameters in OpsManager
  5. Display error from CloudFormation events if a ROLLBACK occurs


  1. Minimal input configuration file
  2. Input file is resolved to a specific configuration file
  3. Idempotence. The job can be killed and restarted anytime.


  1. Python 2.7
  2. PIVNET_TOKEN from api token at https://network.pivotal.io/users/dashboard/edit-profile
  3. AWS Keypair loaded to your private key path chmod 400 mjog.pem and ssh-add mjog.pem
  4. Install Requirements pip install --upgrade pip and pip install -r requirements.txt


./awsdeploy.py  --help
usage: awsdeploy [prepare|deploy] [-h] --action {prepare,deploy} [--cfg CFG]
                                  [--prepared-cfg PREPARED_CFG]
                                  [--timeout TIMEOUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --action {prepare,deploy}
  --cfg CFG
  --prepared-cfg PREPARED_CFG
  --timeout TIMEOUT

Build Input yaml (awsdeploy.yml)

region: us-east-1
email: email@gmail.com
ssh_private_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh_key_name: mjog
domain: "{ssh_key_name}{uid}.pcf-practice.com"
    version: latest
    beta-ok: true
    version: latest
    beta-ok: true
ssl_cert_arn: arn:aws:iam::375783000519:server-certificate/mjogCertificate

Produce Output yaml configuration

./awsdeploy.py --action prepare --cfg awsdeploy.yml --prepared-cfg awsout.yml

The prepared output yaml is used to deploy Pivotal Cloud Foundry

__PREPARED__: true
date: 2016-03-17 04:08:41.544568
domain: mjog431699.pcf-practice.com
  beta-ok: true
  cloudformation-template: ert_cloudformation.json
  cloudformation-template-url: https://network.pivotal.io/api/v2/products/elastic-runtime/releases/1555/product_files/4060/download
  cloudformation-template-version: 1.7.0.alpha4
  image-build: 1.7.0-build.58
  image-file-url: https://network.pivotal.io/api/v2/products/elastic-runtime/releases/1555/product_files/4040/download
  image-filename: cf-1.7.0-build.58.pivotal
  version: 1.7.0.alpha4
email: email@gmail.com
  ami-id: ami-67ccf40d
  ami-name: pivotal-ops-manager-v1.7-alpha5
  beta-ok: true
  version: 1.7-alpha7
opsman-password: keepitsimple
opsman-username: admin
rds-password: keepitsimple
rds-username: dbadmin
region: us-east-1
ssh_key_name: mjog
ssh_private_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssl_cert_arn: arn:aws:iam::375783000519:server-certificate/mjogCertificate
stack-name: mjog-pcf-431699
uid: 431699

The prepared yaml file is used during deploy

Many operations take a long time. You may press Ctrl-C and restart the same command later

./awsdeploy.py --action deploy --prepared-cfg ./awsout.yml
Creating stack mjog-pcf-431699
It takes about 22 minutes to create the stack
^CTraceback (most recent call last):

./awsdeploy.py --action deploy --prepared-cfg ./awsout.yml
stack mjog-pcf-431699 is in state CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
^CTraceback (most recent call last):

After about 20 mins ...

mjog@ mac ~/CFWORK/cfinit$ ./awsdeploy.py --action deploy --prepared-cfg ./awsout.yml
stack mjog-pcf-431699 is in state CREATE_COMPLETE
Waiting for instance to start i-2361c5b8 ...
Admin user established.
Configuring Ops Manager
Applying Changes...
Downloading (1.7.0.alpha4) cf-1.7.0-build.58.pivotal to ops manager... done
Installing Elastic runtime (1.7.0.alpha4) cf-1.7.0-build.58.pivotal ... done
Staged {u'product_version': u'1.7.0-build.58', u'name': u'cf'}
Ops manager is now available at  https://ip.compute-1.amazonaws.com

After a loooong time, Success!!

As always, if it times out waiting for a certain operation, restart it. Alternatively use --timeout parameter to give a very large timeout