
Primary LanguagePython


Joel Battsek (jbattsek) Benjamin Foster (befost) Ashwin Fujii (afujii) Katherine Kampf (kkampf)

File overview:

-NFL/ directory of .txt files continaing 1000 scraped tweets per each NFL team
-TweetScraper/ modified MIT Tweet Scraper used when Twitter API hit request limits
-all_tweets.txt hand annotated tweets for NFL teams
-download_tweets.py file to download public dataset tweets
-format_tweets.py helper file to reformat tweets when needed
-get_tweets.py file to grab tweets for all 32 NFL teams to then be hand annotated
-model_tweets.py file to train xgboost and svm classifiers using sklearn library
-naivebayes_test.py unigram naivebayes classifier
naivebayes_unigrams.py unigram anivebayes classifier to classify NFL
-naivebayes_bigrams_threaded.py bigram naivebayes implementation using a threaded approach for maximum efficeny, includes both classifying NFL/ and test for accuracy on all_tweets/tx
-parseCSV.py helper to parse public dataset csv
-partitions/ partitioned files containing training tweets from the Sentiment 140 dataset
-s140_tweets.txt positive and negative training tweets from the Sentiment 140 dataset
-slang_words.txt text file with common abbreviations and their relatie expansions
-tweet_scraper.py file to gather NFL tweets from the Twitter API and confirm whether or not the tweets were made by a fan (meaning the have to follow the team they're tweeting about_
-tweet_process.py tweet preprocessing file
-utfer.py helper to eliminate s140 tweets that were causing utf encoding/decoding issues
-old/ old versions of files that are sometimes needed
      -final_datset UMICH SI650
      - Sentiment Classification Training Data https://inclass.kaggle.com/c/si650winter11
            -small subset used for quick testing
      -tweeti-a.dist.tsv Sentiment 140 large dataset of classified tweets\

Running instructions:

       -run as python naivebayes_bigrams_threaded.py anything NFL
      -will train on partitions/ and test on all_tweets.txt for accuracy
      -Note: very computationally heavy\

      -run as python naiivebayes_unigrams.py training_filename NFL
      -classifies NFL/ tweets

      -run as python naivebayes_test.py training_file
      -modify NUM in main according to desired training/test split\