
Skipping tables does not work with TOUG2 output files

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think the below traceback explains it all:

In [823]: lst = t2listing('%i/%i.listing' % (i,i), skip_tables='element')
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-823-961c931008f0> in <module>()
----> 1 lst = t2listing('%i/%i.listing' % (i,i), skip_tables='element')

C:\Users\Leon\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pytough\t2listing.pyc in __init__(self, filename, skip_tables)
    154             if self.num_fulltimes>0:
    155                 self._index=0
--> 156                 self.setup_tables()
    157                 self.set_table_attributes()
    158                 self.setup_short_indices()

C:\Users\Leon\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pytough\t2listing.pyc in setup_tables_TOUGH2(self)
    443         self.read_header() # only one header at each time
    444         while tablename:
--> 445             if tablename in self.skip_tables: self.skip_table(tablename)
    446             else: self.setup_table(tablename)
    447             tablename=self.next_table()

C:\Users\Leon\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pytough\t2listing.pyc in skip_table_TOUGH2(self, tablename)
    879     def skip_table_TOUGH2(self,tablename):
--> 880         table = self._table[tablename]
    881         self.skiplines(table.header_skiplines + table.num_rows + sum(table.skiplines))

KeyError: 'element'

Sorry about that. I've pushed a fix to the 'testing' branch- can you please download that and test that it's working for you?
I have also added some unit tests for skip_tables to my testing suite.

This fixes the issue for me and I can now load my results a lot faster. Thanks a lot!
Erh, I'm not sure if I should close the issue myself now it's fixed in the testing branch, but I trust you know what to do. Thank you for PyTOUGH Adrian.