Acryl Local Node releases Build Status

This repo is for publishing releases only.


Download latest release from releases page

Currently supported OS: CentOS 7



yum install epel-release
yum localinstall acryl-local-node-VERSION.rpm

After successful installation run

systemctl enable acryl_node.service
systemctl start acryl_node.service

Check service:

systemctl status acryl_node.service

Node config files and data located at /opt/acryl

Node API

Node API with Swagger can be accessed only if nginx web server is running

systemctl enable acryl_nginx.service
systemctl start acryl_nginx.service

Node API is accessed from the URL: http://YOUR_IP/


To update node run:

systemctl start acryl_node_update.service

By default update is running every hour (see acryl_node_update.timer)


nginx config located at /opt/acryl/acryl_nginx.conf you can add vhost config to /opt/acryl/nginx.conf.d

Node config located at /opt/acryl/acryl_node.conf. Put local.conf to /opt/acryl if you want to override some settings


  • Cannot connect to API web server

    Allow connections to 80 port:

     firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
     firewall-cmd --reload
  • Service status is not active after start

    Check log files at /opt/acryl/acryl/logs and systemd journal

  • nginx always returns 502 or 403 code

    If selinux is enabled and its mode is enforcing allow http network connections:

    setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on