
Library project of util java codes

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Java pure utils (jpu)

This project has a single goal, became an big repository of smart algorithims in java, without any dependencies (except junit).


  • All code must have javadoc (in english preferably);
  • All code must have unit test;
  • All code must be free of any third library;


  • Prefer to code in english
  • After send an code, put small description on README.me file.

Sumary of util classes

Class Description
eti.jpu.Case Provide an fluid way to execute conditional rotines
eti.jpu.comparators.Distance2DComparator This comparator has a goal for order list of data by proximity (latitude and longitude)
eti.jpu.comparators.NumberLevelComparator This comparator has a goal to order data like 1, 1.1, 2, 3, 3.1, 4. etc

Sumary of auxliary classes

Class Description
eti.jpu.aux.Pair This is an auxiliary class mabe to represent two objects
eti.jpu.aux.IGeoPoint2D Represents a single geograhfic point (latitude / longitude)
eti.jpu.aux.ThreeConsumer A consumer to work with three arguments
eti.jpu.aux.ThreeFunction A function to work with three arguments

Useful information

This project has a branch call dev, if you wish to participate please use the dev branch to make fork / pull request.

To generate javadoc use mvn clean javadoc:javadoc on pom.xml. A directory named javadoc will be create in your main directory with complete javadoc documentation.

To generate report about the code, use verify phase. Just run mvn clean verify on pom.xml. In target/report-codes/pmd you will find pmd report in case the code has pmd violation. In target/report-codes/jacoco will you find a report that shows how much of tne code is covered by unit test.

Feel free to jump in [;-[)