
Primary LanguageGo


Make sure to have docker external volumes created

make prepare-volumes

Config files

pom.xml config java files to work as a single project on vscode

go.work allows to have one workspace with multiple golang independent modules

.vscode keeps a few workpsace configurations


  • Before run java from vscode debug engine

    • Run mvn clean compile
  • JAVA and SPOJ

    • To run those code in Java at SPOJ please remove the class package, other wise you will get NZEC error.

Project Structure

└── code
    ├── codegami
    │   └── closet_to_zero
    ├── freecodecamp
    │   ├── fibonnaci
    │   └── numbers_cansum
    ├── gnirut
    ├── random
    │   └── binary_tree_mirror
    └── spoj
        ├── spoj_aba12c
        ├── spoj_acido
        ├── spoj_chocopj09
        ├── spoj_obitetri
        ├── spoj_placar
        ├── spoj_rouba
        └── spoj_test