Install Firedrake with adaptive mesh function

This is a repo containing scripts to install firedrake with adaptive mesh function.

Most of the materials comes from pyroteus and firedrake.

If you are using conda, it is the best to deactivate it before running the installation by using (conda deactivate)


  1. Replace SOFTWARE=<your/install/path> in to the project root folder (where you can find and petsc_options.txt).

  2. Run source ./ under project root folder. This will set up a folder for firedrake and relavent envs.

For mac users:

-w error in making PETSc

One gotcha users could encounter is listed here so if you are using gmake 4.4.1, you should run

brew tap-new $USER/local-make
brew extract --version=4.4 make $USER/local-make
brew install make@4.4
brew unlink make
brew link make@4.4

before executing the install script.

Note this is caused by a bug produced by gmake 4.4.1, so in the future, if gmake get around with this bug, you do not necessarily need to do this step.

PS: some users reflected that the 4.4 should be replaced with 4.4.0. If the above instructions failed, please use 4.4.0 instead of 4.4

Parallel error

After installation, if you find parallel tests are failing, then please do some editing as suggested here

To be more specific, add below statement in /etc/hosts (if not editable, use sudo vim /etc/hosts to force writting)

(use hostname command to find LOCALHOSTNAME and the LOCALHOSTNAME below)       LOCALHOSTNAME.local       LOCALHOSTNAME

Activate firedrake

firedrake installation come along with a virtual env. To use firedrake, you need to activate it by doing:

source /path/to/firedrake/src/firedrake_adapt/bin/activate

Other settings

if you wish to set a command to activate firedrake instead of typing in a long path to your activate file, you could wirite following line to your .bash_rc or equivalent bash init file:

`alias fire_drake='source </path/to/your/acivate/file>'

then execute fire_drake in a new shell.

to deactivate, simply use deactivate.