
acse-9-independent-research-project-kmei92 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Fireframe is a programmable framework built on top of the Firedrake finite element library. Firedrake aims to automate the process of setting up function spaces, creating finite elements, and performing manufactured solutions testing. The goal of Fireframe is to allow users to quickly and efficiently analyze different combinations of coupled partial differential equations.

Included in this repository are demonstration notebooks that highlight how to pose Firedrake problems using Fireframe.

Example problems are presented and solved, including:

  • A simple channel flow navier-stokes equation (see: demo/flow_past_cylinder_demo.ipynb)
  • A poisson equation (see: demo/poisson_temp_demo.ipynb)
  • A three component chemical reactions equation coupled to the navier-stokes equation (see: demo/cylinder_rxn_demo.ipynb)
  • A radionuclide transport equation coupled to the navier-stokes equation (see: demo/radio_transport_demo.ipynb)
  • A radionuclide transport equation coupled to the shallow water equation (see: demo/hydrodynamics_demo.ipynb)
  • A method of manufactured solutions verification on the radionuclide transport problem (see: demo/MMS_transport/demo.ipynb)

For a repository of all the variational forms used in the demonstration examples, look in: fireframe.pdeforms These provide examples of how to translate mathematical expressions of partial differential equation into UFL syntax.

The overall process of setting up a problem in Fireframe is as follows:

Installation instructions

In order to use Fireframe, please first install the latest version of Firedrake here

To download Fireframe:

  git clone https://github.com/msc-acse/acse-9-independent-research-project-kmei92.git

Before attempting to use Fireframe or any Firedrake functions, activate the Firedrake virtualenv first:

  source firedrake/bin/activate

To use Fireframe, import the following:

from PDESystem import *

from PDESubsystem import *

from pdeforms import *

Follow the examples in the demo folder to familiarize yourself with Fireframe's functionality and as a starting point to solve your own PDE problems!


The Fireframe documentation can be compiled using Sphinx by running

make html

from the docs directory. After compiling the documentation, access the html file index.html inside the docs/build/html directory.


Fireframe relies on the following external libraries:

  • numpy >= 1.16.4
  • sympy >= 1.4
  • matplotlib >= 3.1.0
  • jupyter >= 1.0.0 (to run demo notebooks)
  • Sphinx >= 1.8.5 (to compile documentation)

Repository Information

  • demo - demonstration examples using Fireframe
  • docs - all files required to compile documentation
  • fireframe - main repository containing core modules PDESystem, PDESubsystem and pdeforms
  • imgs - image files
  • meshes - all gmsh files used in demonstration examples
  • report - contains the final report, detailing this project's motivations, software design, analysis, and conclusions
  • tests - pytest / travis test file

Author and Course Information

Author: Keer Mei Github: kmei92 CID: 01545321

This project is completed for Imperial College's MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering program, as part of the final course module ACSE9. This project was completed under the supervision of Professor Matthew Piggott.


Fireframe is licensed under the MIT license