Custom Aerospace Reinforcement Learning Environments

Created by Kyle Dunlap, Kai Delsing, and Mark Mote Mentor: Kerianne Hobbs

Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. Case Number 88ABW-2020-2644.


  1. Install Anaconda (Recommended):
    Follow the installation instructions for Anaconda 3 here.
  2. Create a conda Python 3.7 environment, which will help organize the packages used:
    conda create -n aero python=3.7
  3. To use Python in this environment, activate it by running:
    conda activate aero
  4. Install OpenMPI (Ubuntu/Debian):
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
  5. Install Python header files:
    sudo apt-get install python-dev
  6. In the directory you want to save the environment, copy the cloning link and run the command:
    git clone [copy link here]
  7. Then run the commands:
    cd aerospacerl
    pip install -e .
    If you get a memory error while running the previous command, run the following command:
    pip install -e . --no-cache-dir

To test your installation, run the file. You should see a rendering of the spacecraft docking environment.

Using the custom environments (In Python)

There are two custom environments: and, each with a discrete and continuous action space. The code for these environments is located at dubins_gym/envs/

To use the custom environments, in Python first import the gym and aero_gym libraries:

import aero_gym

Then use the gym.make() function to make the environment one of the following:

# Discrete Action Space
# Continuous Action Space

Running from the Command Line

These files assume that you have Anaconda or equivalent and standard Python packages installed.

  1. To run from the command line, open a terminal
  2. To run using the correct Anaconda packages, type conda activate aero. This should make (aero) show up before you username.
  3. For example, run PPO using the spacecraft-docking-continuous-v0 environment for 10 epochs:
    python aerospacerl/RL/ --epochs 10