
Compressed sensing and machine learning

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains my notes and code while exploring how to use learned priors for compressed sensing. The work was done in collaboration with Paul Teal (while I was working as a part-time research assistant).


I have written a couple of documents detailing my work and thoughts on;


To install you will need to run

git clone https://github.com/act65/mri-reconstruction.git
cd mri-reconstruction
python setup.py install

You should then be able to run the scripts (to train new models). For example;

python scripts/train_infovae.py --logdir={path} \\
--n_hidden=4 --width=64 --epochs=100 --beta=1.0 \\
--learning_rate=0.0001 --batch_size=8

And to run the notebooks;

jupyter lab

and then navigate to http://localhost:8888/lab.