- 2
Cannot set the custom background color
#55 opened by rickygai - 0
- 0
vscode workspace support
#53 opened by ZZH-Finalize - 3
Hide all tasks by default and show specific ones
#49 opened by lonix1 - 2
Improvement of task visibility in status bar
#51 opened by refLog2112 - 3
- 1
- 5
- 8
- 14
npm tasks sometimes doesn't respect path
#45 opened by henrikxberg - 3
- 2
Makes git repos loading very slow
#42 opened by yajo - 37
VS Code 1.76 - no Tasks visible
#39 opened by Parchbrot - 0
- 0
- 4
- 5
Tasks are always visible (2)
#7 opened by geoffrey-vl - 2
- 2
Extensions of non-standard types not showing
#35 opened by migmit - 5
Publish in Open VSX
#34 opened by yajo - 1
- 1
Dsiplaying compound Tasks
#36 opened by nschuetz1311 - 3
Octicons Syntax not showing in tooltip
#15 opened by tjohnsonhvac - 2
star (*) in filepattern
#33 opened by kraabrsg - 2
Running certain tasks fail with error "Tasks to execute must include an execution"
#26 opened by frankkahl - 5
.code-workspace defined tasks not appearing
#21 opened by poseva - 7
Duplicate Buttons
#25 opened by zifik - 0
add support for compound tasks
#29 opened by thatkookooguy - 2
some suggestions
#28 opened by alexzshl - 4
No Tasks visible - v0.8.1 with VSCode 1.53.2
#31 opened by dragonnn - 8
Extension settings not available
#22 opened by rccoleman - 1
Compound tasks not showing up
#20 opened by poseva - 4
#19 opened by Sdator - 4
Keyboard shortcuts stoped working for Tasks
#17 opened by IvanRublev - 1
- 4
Extension stopped working
#13 opened by Stanzilla - 0
Tooltip on Hover
#11 opened by unimpededglare - 1
- 7
Taskbar ordering conflicts with git
#8 opened by MarkusRodler - 2
- 2
Tasks are always visible
#5 opened by sersanchus - 2
Hide certain tasks
#2 opened by bpatram