
This is the start environment for the Twitter clone project

Primary LanguageCSS

Use this repo as the starting point for the Twitter clone project:


  • Fork the repo
  • Get familiar with the html/css
  • Modify the HTML to use HTML5 elements where appropriate (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/HTML5/HTML5_element_list)
  • Use jQuery to add the following features:
    • Initially, the Tweet button and the character count button should be hidden (CSS).
    • When the user clicks on the textarea, the textarea should double in size and the character count and Tweet buttons should be revealed.
    • As the user types, the character count should decrease.
    • When there are 10 or less characters, the character counter should turn red.
    • If the user puts in more than 140 characters, the tweet button should be disabled (and re-enabled when there are <= 140 chars).
    • When the user successfully inputs characters and clicks the “Tweet” button, a new tweet should be created and added to the tweet stream in the main column, using the user’s fake profile image in the top left and username/fullname.


  • The tweet actions (Reply, Retweet, etc) should only show up when you hover over that individual tweet. Otherwise, they should be hidden.
  • The Retweets/timestamp/Reply areas should also be hidden by default. These should only expand if you click on the tweet. Have the students use a jQuery animation to accomplish the reveal, similar to how it’s done on Twitter.com

ADVANCED: (Black Diamond)

  • Make timestamps similar to how they look on Twitter (1h, 18m, 1m) and use the jQuery timeago plugin to make them automatic.
  • Implement the icons for when a tweet is favorited/retweeted in the upper right of the tweet.
  • Implement the Bootstrap tooltips for when you hover over a user’s avatar image