
This git repository contains embedded firmware project which provides LoRaWAN FUOTA (Firmware Update Over The Air) functionality using Actility FUOTA service.
Device code supports full firmware update and Smart Delta incremental update.
Device code currently supports only NUCLEO-L476RG hardware platform but could be ported to other compatible platforms. Only EU868, US916 and AS923 ISM bands are supported. This is limitation of the FUOTA service. Support of the other bands will be introduced later.
This device code is based on the ST “LoRaWAN software expansion for STM32Cube” v1.3.1, available here.

New features, improvements and limitations

This device code contains following new features, improvements and limitations, comparing to ST’s LoRaWAN software expansion v1.3.1:

New features

  • Smart Delta incremental firmware update. Smart Delta is an intelligent type of firmware upgrade compression which allows to transfer during the upgrade session only changed pieces of device code. It does not require any special preparation and planning of firmware image comparing for example with partial update functionality when only contiguous specially crafted regions of device firmware could be upgraded.

  • LoRaWAN Firmware Management Protocol support. Implementation of the LoRaWAN Firmware Management Protocol Specification Release Candidate 2. Required for device to be compatible with Actility FUOTA service.

  • Storage of received data fragments directly in the MCU flash. ST’s implementation of Fragmented Data Block Transport over LoRaWAN in LoRaWAN software expansion v1.3.1 supports storage of data fragments only in RAM. It leads to ineffective use of RAM and limits the maximum size of firmware update by very low number. Device code in the project implements direct storage of the data fragments in the MCU flash.

Bug fixed

  • Fragmentation decoder bug fixes. Bug related to more than required number of fragments received and incorrect work with single fragment file.

  • Device time update bug fixes. If network and application server both supports time synchronization device code operated incorrectly.


  • STM original default project configuration not supported. Not tested.

  • Only STM32CubeIDE project is currently supported. Keil, IAR project configuration will be supported later.

Hardware and software requirements

Board requirements

Currently device code only supports STM32L476RG CPU and SX1272 Semtech LoRaWAN transceiver. List of supported platforms will be extended in the future.

In order to run device code, get and assemble following parts together:

MCU flash requirements

Device code implementation currently requires 3 equally sized flash regions to support firmware update. These regions are:

  • SLOT0 – active firmware image slot

  • SLOT1 – new firmware image slot. SBSFU bootloader will check presence of new firmware in this slot and if it is valid will install it in SLOT0

  • SWAP – area which is used to received data fragments during fragmentation session and for swapping SLOT1 and SLOT0 contents during image installation and rollback (if installation fails). Its size should be set depending on either full image update supported or not. If full image update is supported it should be set equal to SLOT0 and SLOT1. If full image update is not supported its size could be set to largest supported incremental update size.

Default configuration of device code sets size of each region to 3K. For more details about memory mapping planning see “Appendix B. Porting”.

Fragmentation algorithm RAM overhead calculation

Memory overhead of the fragmentation algorithm support and Smart Delta library support could be calculated as following.

The amount of memory required for the algorithm depends on:

  • Number of fragments required for a full file (without the redundancy packets) (nbFrag). Default configuration nbFrag = 1000.

  • The size of a data fragment (fragSize). Default configuration fragSize = 230.

  • The maximum number of redundancy frames that are expected (nbRedundancy). Default configuration nbRedundancy = 60.

Memory required can be calculated via:

(nbRedundancy / 8 + 1) * nbRedundancy -> MatrixM2B

+ nbFrag * 2 -> FragNbMissingIndex

+ nbFrag / 8 + 1 -> matrixRow

+ fragSize -> matrixDataTemp

+ (nbRedundancy / 8 + 1) * 3 -> dataTempVector, dataTempVector2 and S

For a default configuration this comes down to ~2 444 bytes of RAM.

In addition, some small allocations are made when xor'ing lines while applying the redundant packets.

Smart Delta library flash and RAM requirements

Smart Delta library requires approximately 4K of MCU flash and 2,3K of RAM.

Network requirements and implementation limitations

In order to support FUOTA LoRaWAN network should support following features:

  • LoRaWAN multicast support

  • Time synchronization. Either support of MAC level DeviceTimeReq/Ans commands or support of application-level time synchronization. Actility FUOTA Service supports application-level time synchronization.

Current device code does not support Class B multicast session. This limitation will be lifted in the future.

Software installation and configuration

  • Install STM32Cube IDE 1.7.0:

  • Clone this git repository ( or

  • Start STM32CubeIDE application

  • Close welcome screen tab (the Information Center) if any

  • In File > Open Projects from File system, make sure that Search for nested projects is enabled, press Directory, and select the directory with cloned git repository. In the list with found projects unselect the first project and select the following projects:

    • <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\2_Images_SECoreBin\SW4STM32\2_Images_SECoreBin
    • <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\2_Images_SBSFU\SW4STM32\2_Images_SBSFU
    • <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\Fuota\SW4STM32\sx1272mb2das
  • In Project explorer window, right click on project name listed below and then click the “Build” button. Do it for every project in order:

    • 2_Images_SECoreBin

    • 2_Images_SBSFU

    • sx1272mb2das

Following configuration options could be edited to adjust device code configuration for specific requirements:

Generic project configuration

In order to configure generic project options:

  • Right-click on project sx1272mb2das

  • Select Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols

  • In Symbols tab, adapt the following symbols:

Symbol Description Setting
ACTILITY_LIBRARY Together with symbol STM_LIBRARY selects type firmware upgrade performed. In current project only ACTILITY_LIBRARY = 1 is supported
STM_LIBRARY Together with symbol ACTILITY_LIBRARY selects type firmware upgrade performed. In current project only STM_LIBRARY = 0 is supported
INTEROP_TEST_MODE Select interoperability test mode of the project. Data fragments are received in RAM if this mode selected Default setting for the project INTEROP_TEST_MODE = 0 Setting it to 1 not recommended for normal operation
ACTIVE_REGION Together with defining REGION_xxx symbol selects ISM band Could be set to: LORAMAC_REGION_AS923 LORAMAC_REGION_EU868 LORAMAC_REGION_US915
REGION_<name> Defines RF regions which are included during compilation, e.g. REGION_EU868 It is enough to define symbol in order to include support for correspondent RF region. It is not advised to select more than one region. Following regions are supported REGION_AS923 REGION_EU868 REGION_US915
STM32L476xx USE_HAL_DRIVER USE_STM32L4XX_NUCLEO Internal project configuration Do not change this symbols settings or remove them !

Device credentials configuration

In order to customize the devEUI/JoinEUI/AppKey/GenAppKey device parameters use following procedure:

  • Edit <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\Fuota\LoRaWAN\App\inc\Commissioning.h


Fragmentation decoder configuration

Fragmentation decoder configuration should be adjusted if you want to adapt maximum size of firmware received for data rates you plan to use in specific RF region. Refer to regional parameters LoRaWAN document to obtain maximum size of the frame (data fragment size will be size of frame minus MAC header) in selected RF regions with given data rates. Maximum data fragment size multiplied by maximum number of fragments will define largest size of firmware image to be received.

Adapt maximum number of redundancy fragments according to expected maximum packet loss in the network and maximum number of the fragments expected. Typically, it will be required to receive a little bit more redundancy packets (from 2 to 10) than were lost to recover initial data file.

See “Fragmentation algorithm RAM overhead calculation” to calculate required RAM size with selected fragmentation decoder configuration.

To customize fragmentation decoder parameters:

  • Edit <root_dir>\Middlewares\Third_Party\LoRaWAN\Patterns\Advanced\LmHandler\packages\FragDecoder.h
Symbol Description Setting
FRAG_MAX_NB Maximum number of fragments which could be received Default setting 1000 fragments
FRAG_MAX_SIZE Maximum fragment size Default setting 230 bytes
FRAG_MAX_REDUNDANCY Maximum number of redundancy fragments Default setting 60 fragments

Flashing firmware and first start

In order to flash compiled binary into device use following procedure:

  • Install STM32Cube Programmer 2.8.0:

  • Start STM32Cube Programmer

    • Click on Open file and select <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\Fuota\Binary\SBSFU_UserApp.bin

      • Click Download. At this point, the firmware is loaded onto the device

      • Click Disconnect

In order to verify that device correctly operates after flashing you will need to connect to the device virtual COM port. You should do it before flashing. On Windows, to obtain COM port number:

  • Press Win+X and select “Device manager”

  • In the section “Ports (COM and LPT)” look for COM port with description “STLink Virtual COM Port” and note its number in parenthesis, e.g. COM8.

  • Run your favorite terminal emulator, e.g. TeraTerm, and connect to serial port you obtain above (COM8) with following parameters: speed 921600, data bits 8, stop bits 1, parity NONE.

  • Check that device boots up correctly and you can see the following output in the terminal emulator window

= [SBOOT] RuntimeProtections: 0
= [SBOOT] System Security Check successfully passed. Starting...
= [FWIMG] Slot #0 @: 806a000 / Slot #1 @: 8014000 / Swap @: 80b4000

=              (C) COPYRIGHT 2017 STMicroelectronics                 =
=                                                                    =
=              Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update                =

	  INFO: A Reboot has been triggered by a Hardware reset!
	  Consecutive Boot on error counter reset 
	  Consecutive Boot on error counter = 0 
	  Consecutive Boot on error counter updated 
	  INFO: Last execution status before Reboot was:Executing Fw Image.
	  INFO: Last execution detected error was:No error. Success.
	  A valid FW is installed in the active slot - version: 1
= [SBOOT] RuntimeProtections: 0
HW_VERSION= 01.BA.35.01

Using firmware with FUOTA server

In order test firmware update you first will need to configure full firmware update campaign. Please, refer to ThingPark FUOTA documentation available here.
During the campaign creation you will be asked for firmware file to download. Use <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\Fuota\Binary\UserApp.sfb in this case.

To created Smart Delta update binary, you will need to specify two files of different firmware versions. Use following procedure to create necessary binaries:

  • Build and load firmware image into the device as described in “Flashing firmware and first start”.

  • Use <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\Fuota\Binary\UserApp.sfb to create “from” file as described in Section 3.13 of the User Guide.
    During a file creation use application version specified in <root_dir>\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\LoRaWAN_Fuota1\Fuota\LoRaWAN\App\inc\version.h when asked.

  • Change something in device source code and update version in version.h file. It is recommended to update just __APP_VERSION_SUB2 symbol. Increment it by one for example.

  • Build new firmware image. Use UserApp.sfb from this build to create “to” file in GUI. Use updated version number when asked.

  • Create Smart Delta patch as described in Section 3.14 of the User Guide. You will use this Smart Delta binary when configuring new Campaign.

  • Run firmware update campaign and verify that device firmware was indeed updated using APP_VERSION information in the device boot screen.

In order to start playing with LoRaWAN FUOTA send an email to and ask for a free account.


Appendix A. Smart Delta library operation and API description

Smart Delta core overview

Patching core is written in attempt to be system-independent, although taking in account the usage at devices with restricted resources. Smart Delta creation core functions require significantly more resources and targeted to regular computers.

User of Smart Delta core must provide patch image to core functions and store result of patching in system-depended manner.

The data in a patch image is presented as a stream which may be processed in one pass. There is a header with metadata at the beginning of patch image describing a kind of the image and containing parameters required to apply patch.

There are 2 basic functions to apply patch. First the patching must be initialized by calling fota_patch_stream_init(...). Then one should call fota_patch_stream_append(...) sequentially for every byte in a patch stream.

The result of patching is returned in callback function fota_write_target(...). As patching core is supplied in sources this callback is ‘statically registered’ – user must provide it in his sources. The callback provides resulting image by 1 byte per call and user must store these bytes to collect whole new image.

There may be any number of calls to fota_write_target(...) inside 1 call to fota_patch_stream_append(...) – from 0 to new image size.

Functions description


fota_patch_result_t fota_patch_stream_init (
fota_patch_stream_state_t *pstream, 
uint8_t *ppatch, 
size_t patch_filled,
uint8_t *pram, 
size_t ram_size,
uint8_t *porig, 
size_t orig_room, 
size_t *ppatch_header_size

Initializes patching process, checks if patch may be applied.


Argument Description
fota_patch_stream_state_t *pstream Patching process context. It is used internally and must persist during whole patching process.
uint8_t *ppatch Pointer to start of patch image OR its first part if whole image unavailable by now. This first part must be more then patch image header (17 bytes worst case)
size_t patch_filled Size of patch image OR its first part
uint8_t *pram Pointer to decompression buffer in RAM. This buffer must persist during whole patching process.
size_t ram_size Size of decompression buffer
uint8_t *porig Pointer to old image (to be patched)
size_t orig_room Must be equal to size of old image or its slot size if image size unknown. Used for checking if old image size correct for patching.
size_t *ppatch_header_size Returns actual patch image header size to inform of patch image data offset from patch image start (data are right after header).

Return values:

Value Description
fotaOk Success
fotaHeaderSignatureSmall fotaHeaderSmall Size of first part of patch image (supplied in patch_filled) too small, provide more bytes
fotaHeaderParsBad Patch image header parameters unknown, abort patching
fotaPatchOrigSmall Old image area (supplied in orig_room) less then expected old image size, abort patching
fotaPatchOrigHash Old image incorrect (hash do not match expected), abort patching
fotaHeaderSignatureUnsupported Patch kind unsupported, abort patching
fotaPackLevelBig Patch image compression level too high, increase compression buffer (supplied in pram, ram_size)


fota_patch_result_t fota_patch_stream_append(
fota_patch_stream_state_t *pstream,                                              uint8_t byte

After initialization must be called sequentially for bytes of patch image data (which are at offset returned in *ppatch_header_size from patch image start). New image is ready when all bytes consumed.


Argument Description
fota_patch_stream_state_t *pstream Patching process context. It is used internally and must persist during whole patching process.
uint8_t byte Next byte of patch image data

Return values:

Value Description
fotaOk Success
fotaLzgMiss Decompression failure, abort patching (patch image corrupted)
fotaBspatchOrigMiss Patching failure, abort patching (patch image corrupted)
fotaTargetOverflow fotaTargetWriteFailed Translated from fota_write_target(...), abort patching

Storing result

fota_patch_result_t fota_write_target(
uint8_t b

User supplied callback to store new image. Called 0 or more times inside fota_patch_stream_append(...), sequentially provides bytes of new image. Depending on FLASH requirements it may write supplied byte directly to output area or collect writable page in intermediate buffer.


Argument Description
uint8_t byte Next byte of (patched) new image

Return values:

Value Description
fotaOk Success (byte stored)
fotaTargetOverflow New image area overflowed, patching impossible
fotaTargetWriteFailed Byte write error, patching must be aborted (retries not implemented in patching core)

Appendix B. Porting considerations

Porting this FUOTA device code to another ST Microelectronics MCU requires prior evaluation of flash and RAM available on these platforms and flash sector size.

If ported to another platform, current configuration of the code requires splitting of available flash into 3 equally sized regions: active slot, update slot and swap slot.
For example, with 256 KB of flash, actual firmware size could be not be larger than around 85 KBytes.

If only smart delta updates are to be supported, size of swap slot can be set to the size of largest allowable incremental update size.
Be aware that small size of swap slot has not been tested.

RAM required by this code (without user applications or RTOS) consists of RAM required for Smart Delta (r) and RAM required for fragmentation decoder. RAM required for fragmentation decoder can be calculated using guidelines in section "Fragmentation algorithm RAM overhead calculation". 2,3 KB of RAM is required for Smart Delta (r) with optimal compression. Consider this total RAM overhead when planning integration.

Current code is written with equally divided small size flash pages in mind. If an MCU considered for porting has flash pages of non-equal size and especially of large size, it could require complete redesign of flash handling operations and potentially impact RAM requirements and flash organization.