Clone this repository to access all of the source files in your project.
If you have any issue, try to reach me in person!
Best wishes,
Achyut Timsina
Tools that I recommend you to use in developing any PHP applications:
Install Oracle Virtual box for virtualizing development environments.
Install Vagrant to create and configure lightweight and portable development environments.
Install putty for ssh into the development machine you are going to have.
Install Git and use GitBash
Install laravel/homestead: For this follow the steps shown in this YouTube Video.
Install Larvel Homestead for virtual PHP application development environment. This box consists of: - Ubuntu 14.04 - PHP 5.6 - HHVM - Nginx - MySQL - Postgres - Node (With Bower, Grunt, Gulp) - Redis - Memcached - Beanstalkd - Fabirc + HipChat Extension - Composer - Git - And other many useful tools