
An AHK Script for using keyboard shortcuts like MacOS on your Windows

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyMIT LicenseMIT


An AHK Script for using keyboard shortcuts like MacOS on your Windows

About AutoHotKey HomePage Github

AutoHotKey v2 is alpha-release. Suggest use v1.1.*

v1.1.29.01 downloads

Script Features:

  • Hot string (e.g. ]date, ]time, ]now, ]longdate)

  • Shortcuts table:

    HotKeys Desc
    MacOS shortcuts
    Win ` Active next same class window
    Win H Hide(minmize) current window
    Win Alt H Hide(minmize) other windows
    Win M Hide(minmize) current windows
    Win Alt M Hide(minmize) all windows
    Win Q Quit current application
    Win T New tab (Ctrl+T)
    Win Shift T Reload last tab (Ctrl+Shift+T)
    Win N New...
    Win O Open...
    Win W Close the table
    Win S Save
    Win P Print (Ctrl+P)
    Win Z Undo
    Win Shift Z Redo
    Win X Cut
    Win C Copy
    Win V Paste
    Win Alt V Move files from clipboard to current location
    Win Shift Alt V Paste as text
    Win A Select all
    Win F Find (Ctrl+F)
    Win G Find (F3)
    Win Shift G Find previous (Shift+F3)
    Win Alt F Replace (Ctrl+H)
    Win Left or Right or Up or Down (Home/End/PgUp/PgDown)
    Alt Left or Right (Ctrl+Left/Right)
    Win Alt F Full screen (F11)
    Win = Zoom in
    Win - Zoom out
    Win 0 Resize zoom (Ctrl+0)
    Win R Refresh
    Win Backspace Delete
    Win Shift 3 Capture screen to clipboard
    Win Shift 4 Capture screen with region (Win10)
    Win Shift 5 Start Snipping Tool (Win10)
    Win F3 Show desktop
    Win I Show file/folder property dialog (Alt+Enter)
    Win F10 Mute
    Win F11 Volume down
    Win F12 Volume up
    Win Shift Backspace Empty Recycle Bin
    Win Shift Alt Backspace Empty Recycle Bin without prompt
    Win Alt Esc Run taskmgr
    Win Shift Alt Esc Kill current process
    Win Shift Alt Ctrl Esc Kill all image name processes
    Explorer shortcuts
    Win Enter Rename (F2)
    Win O Open (Enter)
    Win Up Up to
    Win Down Open (Enter) same to Win+O
    Win Shift N New folder
    Win Shift . Show or hide hidden files.
    CapsLock+ shortcuts
    CapsLock Space Input 4 spaces.
    CapsLock Backspace Delete to line head.
    CapsLock Delete Delete to line end.
    CapsLock Enter New line.
    CapsLock RShift Line split.
    CapsLock D Duplicate line.
    CapsLock A Selected current line.
    CapsLock C or X or V Copy/Cut/PasteAt current line.
    CapsLock Insert Paste as text.
    CapsLock (Shift) 8 Input a random password.
    CapsLock (Shift) H Like vim h
    CapsLock (Shift) J Like vim j
    CapsLock (Shift) K Like vim k
    CapsLock (Shift) L Like vim l
    CapsLock (Shift) 6 Like vim ^
    CapsLock (Shift) 4 Like vim $
    CapsLock (Shift) F Like vim Ctrl+F
    CapsLock (Shift) B Like vim Ctrl+B
    CapsLock (Shift) G Like vim gg and Shift+G
    CapsLock N/P Like vim j/k
    CapsLock Alt `1234567890 Set current window transparent to 0% ~ 100%
    LAlt+ shortcuts LAlt means left alt key.
    LAlt C or X Copy/Cut to line end.
    LAlt V paste and go/enter.
    Function Key
    CapsLock Esc Reload self.
    CapsLock F1 Show Help.
    CapsLock Shift F1 Show ListHotKeys window.
    CapsLock F2 Turn on current window topmost.
    CapsLock Shift F2 Turn off current window topmost.
    CapsLock F3 Run Listary.
    CapsLock (Shift) F4 Run Everything (as administrator).
    CapsLock F5 Run pageant.(PuTTY)
    CapsLock F6 Run puttygen.(PuTTY)
    CapsLock (Shift) F7 Run psftp (as administrator).(PuTTY)
    CapsLock F8 Run putty.(PuTTY)
    CapsLock (Shift) F9 PowerShell in current explorer path (as administrator)
    CapsLock (Shift) F10 CMD in current explorer path (as administrator)
    CapsLock (Shift) F11 Git in current explorer path (as administrator)
    CapsLock F12 Bash (Win10 WSL) or MSYS2 in current explorer path
    CapsLock Shift F12 MSYS2 in current explorer path
    Special Key
    Win F1 Show Windows WinX Menus
    Win F2 Show Windows run dialog
    Win F3 Show Desktop
    Win F10 Mute
    Win F11 Volume down
    Win F12 Volume up
    and more...
  • MSYS2 default directory: C:\msys64 or C:\msys32. When Win10 bash is not found, try to start msys2 bash.


  • @g1084164986 - Mouse direction support.
  • @liuyukuan - Explorer rename support by his ActiveControlIsOfClass code.


  • Autorun: You can complited it to an execute file by Ahk2Exe, then create a shortcut file into Startup Menu(Win10: %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) or create a schedule task:
    schtasks.exe /Create /TN machotkey /RU Users /SC ONLOGON /TR "C:\Tools\machotkey\machotkey_win64.exe"
    Query and Delete this task:
    schtasks.exe /Query /TN machotkey
    schtasks.exe /Delete /TN machotkey /F
  • Shortcuts mapping at Virual Mathine(XP ~ win10) on mac.
  • QuickLook is alike MacOS Quick-Look tool, press Space to preview some file in the Explorer.