
Define common ssl data and configuration

This is primarily an entry point for platform agnostic SSL data.


Hiera is the main place to inject data into this module. To make it work out of the box you'll need to have the following hierarchy, or something equivalent:

  - %{osfamily}

You'll also need the following files:

# hiera_dir/Debian.yaml
ssl::params::ssl_path: '/etc/ssl'
ssl::params::ssl_cert_file: %{ssl_path}/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
ssl::params::ssl_key_file: %{ssl_path}/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

# hiera_dir/RedHat.yaml
ssl::params::ssl_path: '/etc/pki'
ssl::params::ssl_cert_file: %{ssl_path}/tls/certs/localhost.crt
ssl::params::ssl_key_file: %{ssl_path}/tls/private/localhost.key

This will set up the system to use the system's self signed ssl certs.