
(Public Beta) Ubuntu 22.04 is now available

miketimofeev opened this issue Β· 69 comments

Breaking changes

Ubuntu 22.04 is now available for all GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps users.
You can use the ubuntu 22.04 image label in your YAML to select this image.

GitHub Actions

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

Azure DevOps

   name: 'Azure Pipelines'
   vmImage: 'ubuntu-22.04'

The image is marked as "beta" for now. It means some software can be unstable on the new platform. Also, there could be queueing issues as the capacity will be balanced only throughout the next weeks.
Please report any problems with the new image to this repository.

Software difference between Ubuntu 20 and Ubuntu 22

Tool name Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04 Notes
Clang 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0 11.1.0, 12.0.1 clang 10 is not available for Ubuntu 22
GCC/G++ 9.4.0 (default), 10.3.0 9.4.0, 10.3.0, 11.2.0 (default) the default version for Ubuntu 22 is different
Erlang 24.* - Erlang is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
Swift 5.* - Swift is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.* - HHVM is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
OpenSSL 1.1.* 3.* The default OpenSSL in Ubuntu is now version 3
PhantomJS 2.1.1 - The software is deprecated as the latest version was released in 2016
PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 8.1 Deprecated all the versions besides the most recent one
Firefox\geckodriver 99.* - Firefox is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
.NET Core SDK 3.1, 5.0 6 Please consider using tasks to install any version on-flight:
- actions/setup-dotnet (GitHub Actions)
- Use .NET Core (Azure DevOps)
MongoDB 5.0.* - MongoDB is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
MS SQL Server Client Tools SqlPackage 16.*
sqlcmd 17.*
SQL tools are not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
Go Default version: 1.17.x
Pre-cached versions: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18
Default version: 1.18x
Pre-cached versions: 1.17, 1.18
If your use-case requires using any of these versions, consider using tasks to install Go on-flight:
- actions/setup-go (GitHub Actions)
- Go Tool Installer (Azure DevOps)
Node.js Default version: 16.x
Pre-cached versions: 12, 14, 16
Default version: 16.x
Pre-cached versions: 14, 16
If your use-case requires using any of these versions, consider using tasks to install Node.js on-flight:
- actions/setup-node (GitHub Actions)
- Node.js Tool Installer (Azure DevOps)
PyPy 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 Deprecated all the versions besides the most recent ones
Python Default version: 3.8.x
Pre-cached versions: 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
Default version: 3.10.x
Pre-cached versions: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
On GitHub Actions, actions/setup-python can install any version on-flight so this change doesn't impact users
Ruby Default version: 2.7.x
Pre-cached versions: 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1
Default version: 3.0.x
Pre-cached versions: 3.1
On GitHub Actions, ruby/setup-ruby can install any version on-flight so this change doesn't impact users
Az modules Installed: 7.3.2
Zipped: 3.1.0, 4.4.0, 5.9.0, 6.6.0
Installed: 7.3.2
Zipped: -
If your use-case requires using any of these versions, consider using tasks to install Az modules on-flight:
- azure-powershell-action (GitHub Actions)
- Azure PowerShell (Azure DevOps)
Docker images Alpine: 3.12, 3.13, 3.14
buildpack-deps: bullseye, buster, stretch
debian: 9, 10, 11
node: 12, 14, 16
ubuntu: 16, 18, 20
Alpine: 3.14, 3.15
buildpack-deps: bullseye, buster
debian: 10, 11
node: 14, 16
ubuntu: 18, 20, 22
Deprecated all the versions besides the most recent one

Target date

May 5, 2022

The motivation for the changes

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has been released.

Possible impact


Virtual environments affected

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • macOS 10.15
  • macOS 11
  • macOS 12
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022

Mitigation ways


Please consider updating default Go to version 1.18

I tested the ubuntu-22.04 runner with one of my existing workflows and it failed as the docker daemon does not seem to be running:

docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Is this the intended behaviour? Starting it when needed and don't start it per default might save some resources / startup time so I could understand this change. But it does not seem to be documented in this issue. Is this a bug then?

(I have not run a dedicated test for this, I simply ran the exact same workflow which works on ubuntu-20.04 and interpreted the error message)

Full log resulting in the error

@EdJoPaTo, We will check it.

Temporary workaround is to remove daemon.conf:

- run: |
          sudo rm /etc/docker/daemon.json
          sudo systemctl restart docker

I think you should preinstall clang 13 and 14 (available from official repos) instead of 11 and 12

@MehdiChinoune, feel free to create a separate issue.

I successfully build the image, and was trying to use it with the Azure DevOps ScaleSet feature, but the agents are not coming up.
The Azure DevOps VM Extensions fails with:

"Azure Pipelines Extension failed with message: The Extension failed to execute: Pipeline script execution failed with exit code 100"


@olandese , Maybe this fix will help - #5496

@olandese , Maybe this fix will help - #5496

Hi @al-cheb, thanks for the quick reply, I will try to rebuild the image with this fix and let you know

@olandese , Maybe this fix will help - #5496

Hi @al-cheb, thanks for the quick reply, I will try to rebuild the image with this fix and let you know

@al-cheb the fix is working! The agents are coming up!
Will this fix be merged?

@olandese, This fix has been merged.

Ubuntu-22.04 is now available in Azure DevOps too

iBug commented

Please consider updating default Go to version 1.18

I second that. Also note that the default golang package from Ubuntu APT repo is also 1.18. I see it make little sense to default to 1.17 when it's officially 1.18 already.

I tested the ubuntu-22.04 runner with one of my existing workflows and it failed as the docker daemon does not seem to be running:

docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Is this the intended behaviour? Starting it when needed and don't start it per default might save some resources / startup time so I could understand this change. But it does not seem to be documented in this issue. Is this a bug then?

I can confirm that I am experiencing the same problem and the proposed workaround does not work for me.

I tested the ubuntu-22.04 runner with one of my existing workflows and it failed as the docker daemon does not seem to be running:

docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Is this the intended behaviour? Starting it when needed and don't start it per default might save some resources / startup time so I could understand this change. But it does not seem to be documented in this issue. Is this a bug then?

I can confirm that I am experiencing the same problem and the proposed workaround does not work for me.

I am facing the same issue too

@miketimofeev your list seems to be missing GCC/G++.
It's 11.2 on default in 22.04. In 20.04 it's 9.3

That is a huge difference :)

My "services" section attempt to run Docker containers, which leads to an error. This is the error message:

  /usr/bin/docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}'
  Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
  Error: Exit code 1 returned from process: file name '/usr/bin/docker', arguments 'version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}''.

Please consider updating default Go to version 1.18

I second that. Also note that the default golang package from Ubuntu APT repo is also 1.18. I see it make little sense to default to 1.17 when it's officially 1.18 already.

it's already 1.18 actually, there was an error in the announcement, fixed

Feedback on Changelog ... "GitHub Actions: Beta of Ubuntu 22.04 for GitHub-hosted runners is now available"

In the sentence:

See the difference between the two OS versions <a href="https://">here</a>.  

there is a bad link to #5490. Clicking on the link here in "See the difference between the two OS versions here" results in the error message This site can’t be reached.

One of the https:// needs to be removed it seems.

Edit: This is fixed now, it seems.

rtd62 commented

Has there been any consideration of having this runner support OpenSSL 1.1.1? My use case is that I have a GitHub action which compiles PHP 7.4, but needs to be done on an Ubuntu 22 runner. During the compilation, it errors out because it uses functions from OpenSSL 1.1.1 that are deprecated as of OpenSSL 3.0

@rtd62 we can consider installing OpenSSL 1.1 if it doesn't require building from the source and does not break the 3.0 installation

rtd62 commented

@miketimofeev Sounds good! In the interim, I am testing my process out in a VM. I will check to see if having both 1.1.1 and 3.0 breaks something. I will let y'all know!

We're seeing the docker socket failure during the github actions build step. Is there a way to apply the work around before this runs?

/usr/bin/docker build -t 08450d:[3]([4]( -f "/home/runner/work/_actions/getong/mariadb-action/v1.1/Dockerfile" "/home/runner/work/_actions/getong/mariadb-action/v1.1"
  Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
  Warning: Docker build failed with exit code 1, back off 2.383 seconds before retry.

polys commented

Would you consider caching Debian slim images as well (e.g. debian:bullseye-slim)?
They are widely used as base images for slim variants.

Would you consider caching Debian slim images as well (e.g. debian:bullseye-slim)? They are widely used as base images for slim variants.

@polys would you mind creating a separate feature request for that?

Latest release and rollout progress are not shown in README file

@MehdiChinoune we will add this soon. Sorry for the inconvenience

@miketimofeev Do you know if the Docker issue has been sorted?

@jauderho I believe we fixed it, but it will take some time to roll out the fix

@jauderho I believe we fixed it, but it will take some time to roll out the fix

Thanks @miketimofeev. I have switched back to 22.04 in my sandbox repo and will wait to see when it rolls out.

Still failing to run containers:

  Environment: ubuntu-22.04
  Version: 20220515.1

@MehdiChinoune the fix is still rolling out

lsm5 commented

@miketimofeev hi, podman, buildah and skopeo should be available in the default Ubuntu 22.04 repositories itself. There's no need for the Kubic package repos to get those packages.

@lsm5 thanks for the update, we have already added the tools here and will rollout the image with all three tools this week

@MehdiChinoune the fix is still rolling out

Still not fixed

  Environment: ubuntu-22.04
  Version: 20220522.1

Two attempts reported the same Version, one succeeded and the other failed

The only difference I could observe is:
The first has

Virtual Environment Provisioner

The second has

Virtual Environment Provisioner

@EdJoPaTo, We will check it.

Temporary workaround is to remove daemon.conf:

- run: |
          sudo rm /etc/docker/daemon.json
          sudo systemctl restart docker

This workaround is not working with

  • uses: docker://<image> in steps since it pulls the image before even executing the first step although it is just referenced later on
  • container in build since the step would be executed in the guest/container and not the host
  • run: |
    sudo rm /etc/docker/daemon.json
    sudo systemctl restart docker

@EdJoPaTo, We will check it.
Temporary workaround is to remove daemon.conf:

- run: |
          sudo rm /etc/docker/daemon.json
          sudo systemctl restart docker

This workaround is not working with

  • uses: docker://<image> in steps since it pulls the image before even executing the first step although it is just referenced later on
  • container in build since the step would be executed in the guest/container and not the host

It is working now - seems like a fix was rolled out over night.

@firewave @MehdiChinoune yes the fix should have been deployed across all the environments by now

This is incorrect:

On GitHub Actions, ruby/setup-ruby can install any version on-flight so this change doesn't impact users


On ubuntu-22.04 (beta), only ruby: 3.1 - head are supported, due to Ubuntu 22.04 only supporting OpenSSL 3.

Run ruby/setup-ruby@v1
Error: Error: Unknown version 3.0.0 for ruby on ubuntu-22.04
        available versions for ruby on ubuntu-22.04: 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.0-preview1, head, debug
        Make sure you use the latest version of the action with - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1

sudo apt-get update already failed several times with one of the adoptopenjdk repos:

Err:7 jammy Release
  404   [IP: 443]

Latest case is

Simply re-running the build worked in all cases so far.

@firewave, sudo apt-get update || true as a temporary workaround

@firewave, sudo apt-get update || true as a temporary workaround

Thanks. Now it is always 404 and not just occasionally.

It seems the repo list is different on the runners or has just changed recently.

A build from 2 hours ago (around the same time as the first failure of the other one / had this:

Hit:1 jammy InRelease
Get:2 jammy-updates InRelease [109 kB]
Get:3 jammy InRelease [10.5 kB]
Get:4 jammy-backports InRelease [99.8 kB]
Get:5 jammy-security InRelease [110 kB]
Get:6 jammy-cran40/ InRelease [3626 B]
Get:7 jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages [221 kB]
Get:8 jammy-updates/main Translation-en [57.4 kB]
Get:9 jammy-updates/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [3876 B]
Get:10 jammy-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [124 kB]
Get:11 jammy-updates/restricted Translation-en [18.8 kB]
Get:12 jammy-updates/universe amd64 Packages [102 kB]
Get:13 jammy-updates/universe Translation-en [34.2 kB]
Get:14 jammy-updates/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [1848 B]
Get:15 jammy/main amd64 Packages [15.8 kB]
Hit:16 jammy InRelease
Get:17 jammy-security/main amd64 Packages [129 kB]
Get:18 jammy-security/main Translation-en [33.8 kB]
Get:19 jammy-security/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [2116 B]
Get:20 jammy-security/restricted amd64 Packages [124 kB]
Get:21 jammy-security/restricted Translation-en [18.7 kB]
Get:22 jammy-security/universe amd64 Packages [59.5 kB]
Get:23 jammy-security/universe Translation-en [18.7 kB]
Get:24 jammy-security/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [960 B]
Fetched 1300 kB in 1s (1506 kB/s)
Reading package lists...
W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.

The failing one has:

Hit:1 jammy InRelease
Get:2 jammy-updates InRelease [109 kB]
Get:3 jammy-backports InRelease [99.8 kB]
Get:4 jammy-security InRelease [110 kB]
Hit:5 jammy InRelease
Ign:6 jammy InRelease
Get:7 jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages [221 kB]
Err:8 jammy Release
  404   [IP: 443]
Get:9 jammy-updates/main Translation-en [57.4 kB]
Get:10 jammy-updates/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [3928 B]
Get:11 jammy-updates/universe amd64 Packages [102 kB]
Get:12 jammy-updates/universe Translation-en [34.2 kB]
Get:13 jammy-updates/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [1848 B]
Hit:14 jammy InRelease
Get:15 jammy-security/main amd64 Packages [129 kB]
Get:16 jammy-security/main Translation-en [33.8 kB]
Get:17 jammy-cran40/ InRelease [3626 B]
Get:18 jammy-security/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [2116 B]
Hit:19 jammy InRelease
Reading package lists...
E: The repository ' jammy Release' does not have a Release file.
W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.
W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.

Also note the DEPRECATION warnings.

@firewave , The Err:7 jammy Release issue should be fixed, about warnings we will take a look at it.

Now several jobs failed with the following during the Set up job step:

Error: Can't use 'tar -xzf' extract archive file: /home/runner/work/_actions/_temp_943d0b32-9217-4413-b297-2930d210c951/50225e63-0f99-4877-8b12-a6f442a7298f.tar.gz. return code: 2.

@firewave, This is an external bug - actions/cache#811 (comment)

@firewave, This is an external bug - actions/cache#811 (comment)

The affected actions are not using actions/cache at all.

@firewave, setup-python@v2 does, bump to v3.

Another that failed job was using github/codeql-action@v1. So that also seems to depend on it.

@miketimofeev podman 3.4.4, buildah 1.23.1 and skopeo 1.4.1 are now available from the official ubuntu 22.04 repro.

Tried to run the 2204 image build, however got the below error at the very beginning, any idea?

==> azure-arm.build_vhd: Error waiting for SSH: Packer experienced an authentication error when trying to connect via SSH. This can happen if your username/password are wrong. You may want to double-check your credentials as part of your debugging process. original error: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

@judechen-bhp make sure to use the latest packer version

@miketimofeev Thanks! this solved the issue.

buildah has an annoying bug since version 1.22 containers/buildah#3511
the fix was merged for version 1.26, before that it's not possible to create multiarch manifests from local images and push everything to the registry at once

i guess there is no chance to get this fixed, except ubuntu upgrades their package repos...

Is java now available on ubuntu 22.04? I think the issue message needs to be updated.

Is there an estimate when this is expected to no longer be beta?

I've been testing out one of my actions on the new image, and ran into some problems with network connectivity inside an LXD container. Here's one example failed run:

From the look of it, LXD is already installed in the VM and can start a container, but network traffic to the outside world fails. It looks like it has DNS (probably through the VM's resolver), but nothing else. I'll continue digging to see if it is something I can address from my side.

Is there an estimate when this is expected to no longer be beta?

Most likely in August-September

Running the build pipeline for generating a Ubuntu 22.04 self hosted agent is completely busted, unless I am missing something. Tried on both Azure Pipelines agent and my self-hosted Ubuntu 20.04:

Syntax-only check passed. Everything looks okay.
Show Packer Version
Build ubuntu2204 VM
Error: Missing expression

  on <value for var.run_validation_diskspace from arguments> line 1:
  (source code not available)

Expected the start of an expression, but found the end of the file.

This same file works fine for 20.04

@rdvansloten , Try to pass this value manually as a packer param: -var "run_validation_diskspace=false

@al-cheb I removed the var from the instance that passes it, so that it would default to false, to no avail. As a workaround, I have commented out any reference to the diskspace check. It appears to run now. It'll take 1-2 hours to know if the result is positive.

I've also noticed that all the templates are not possible to deploy if there's a tag policy in place on the Azure subscription, which is common in enterprises that use the official landing zones. I've used a workaround for this by adding an azure_tags block under source "azure-arm" "build_vhd" { and in the variables.

Duplicate of #

#5661 #5661 #4208 #5857 #5403
Duplicate of #

Breaking changes

Ubuntu 22.04 is now available for all GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps users. You can use the ubuntu 22.04 image label in your YAML to select this image.

GitHub Actions

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

Azure DevOps

   name: 'Azure Pipelines'
   vmImage: 'ubuntu-22.04'

The image is marked as "beta" for now. It means some software can be unstable on the new platform. Also, there could be queueing issues as the capacity will be balanced only throughout the next weeks. Please report any problems with the new image to this repository.

Software difference between Ubuntu 20 and Ubuntu 22

Tool name Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04 Notes
Clang 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0 11.1.0, 12.0.1 clang 10 is not available for Ubuntu 22
GCC/G++ 9.4.0 (default), 10.3.0 9.4.0, 10.3.0, 11.2.0 (default) the default version for Ubuntu 22 is different
Erlang 24.* - Erlang is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
Mono 6.* - Mono is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
Swift 5.* - Swift is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.* - HHVM is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
OpenSSL 1.1.* 3.* The default OpenSSL in Ubuntu is now version 3
PhantomJS 2.1.1 - The software is deprecated as the latest version was released in 2016
PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 8.1 Deprecated all the versions besides the most recent one
Firefox\geckodriver 99.* - Firefox is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
.NET Core SDK 3.1, 5.0 6 Please consider using tasks to install any version on-flight:

  • actions/setup-dotnet (GitHub Actions)
  • Use .NET Core (Azure DevOps)
    MongoDB 5.0.* - MongoDB is not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
    MS SQL Server Client Tools SqlPackage 16.*
    sqlcmd 17.* SQL tools are not available for Ubuntu 22 at the moment
    Go Default version: 1.17.x
    Pre-cached versions: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18 Default version: 1.18x
    Pre-cached versions: 1.17, 1.18 If your use-case requires using any of these versions, consider using tasks to install Go on-flight:
  • actions/setup-go (GitHub Actions)
  • Go Tool Installer (Azure DevOps)
    Node.js Default version: 16.x
    Pre-cached versions: 12, 14, 16 Default version: 16.x
    Pre-cached versions: 14, 16 If your use-case requires using any of these versions, consider using tasks to install Node.js on-flight:
  • actions/setup-node (GitHub Actions)
  • Node.js Tool Installer (Azure DevOps)
    PyPy 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 Deprecated all the versions besides the most recent ones
    Python Default version: 3.8.x
    Pre-cached versions: 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 Default version: 3.10.x
    Pre-cached versions: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 On GitHub Actions, actions/setup-python can install any version on-flight so this change doesn't impact users
    Ruby Default version: 2.7.x
    Pre-cached versions: 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1 Default version: 3.0.x
    Pre-cached versions: 3.1 On GitHub Actions, ruby/setup-ruby can install any version on-flight so this change doesn't impact users
    Az modules Installed: 7.3.2
    Zipped: 3.1.0, 4.4.0, 5.9.0, 6.6.0 Installed: 7.3.2
    Zipped: - If your use-case requires using any of these versions, consider using tasks to install Az modules on-flight:
  • azure-powershell-action (GitHub Actions)
  • Azure PowerShell (Azure DevOps)
    Docker images Alpine: 3.12, 3.13, 3.14
    buildpack-deps: bullseye, buster, stretch
    debian: 9, 10, 11
    node: 12, 14, 16
    ubuntu: 16, 18, 20 Alpine: 3.14, 3.15
    buildpack-deps: bullseye, buster
    debian: 10, 11
    node: 14, 16
    ubuntu: 18, 20, 22 Deprecated all the versions besides the most recent one

Target date

May 5, 2022

The motivation for the changes

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has been released.

Possible impact


Virtual environments affected

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • macOS 10.15
  • macOS 11
  • macOS 12
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022

Mitigation ways


Mono, msbuild and nuget are now available on Ubuntu22 image!

Closing this as we have announced image GA

mongo is available for ubuntu 22. Are you planning on re-adding?

Do you plan to bring geckodriver back?
(Our existing integrationtestΒ΄s fail since ubuntu-latest moved to Ubunto 22.04)

Are you planning on re-adding?

According to #6626 (comment), I understand this is a wontfix on GitHub Actions’ side.

Can I pull this image locally to investigate the setup, for example I would like to make some changes to the apache configuration, sp it's useful to explore it locally before making any changes, is that is possible?