
Whitelist dApp using Foundry [LearnWeb3 - Sophomore track]

Primary LanguageSolidity

Whitelist dApp

Foundry project

Whitelist dApp from the LearnWeb3 - Sophomore curriculum


I'm implementing and porting the dApp project to Foundry.

Because of this I'm first keeping track of tasks and stories I need to implement from the original hardhat project.

All tasks will be store here - TODO.md

Useful commands

  • Build forge build
  • Test forge test
  • Test verbose forge test -vv
  • Run coverage report forge coverage
    • Coverage debug forge coverage --report debug

Local Deploy / Testing (Anvil)

  1. Start Anvil


This will create a local network and generate some accounts and addresses

  1. Update script/{contract} to create an instance for the contract


export PRIVATE_KEY="{one_of_the_generated_anvil_addresses}"

  1. Deploy

forge script script/{contractScript}.s.sol:{contractScript} --fork-url http://localhost:8545 \ --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast

  1. Take a note of contract address


export CONTRACT_ADDRESS="{contract_addr}"

7.a Test contract properties using cast call

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "maxWhitelistedAddresses()"

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "numAddressesWhitelisted()"

7.b Test contract methods using cast send

cast send $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "addAddressToWhitelist()" --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

Deploying - Goerli / Alchemy RPC

1.a Setup a Metamask wallet

1.b Add wallet private key to .env as PRIVATE_KEY

2.a Create a new app on Alchemy / Goerli

2.b Copy HTTPS key from the app to the .env as GOERLI_RPC_URL

3.a Create Etherscan account

3.b Create and copy Etherscan api key to .env as ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

  1. Get some test Eth from a faucet
  1. Configure the script to handle deployment https://book.getfoundry.sh/tutorials/solidity-scripting

6.a Source .env

source .env

6.b Configure foundry to use .env values

goerli = "${GOERLI_RPC_URL}"

goerli = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}" }

  1. Deploy script

forge script script/{contractScript}.s.sol:{contractScript} --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

  1. Record the new contract address

export CONTRACT_ADDRESS="{contract_addr}"

  1. Test the contract properties from Goerli contract

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "maxWhitelistedAddresses()" --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL

cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "maxWhitelistedAddresses()" --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL

  1. Test the contract methods from Goerli contract

cast send $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "addAddressToWhitelist()" --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $GOERLI_RPC_URL