
Drempel provides exponential backoffs for Elixir to put speed bumps on your critical actions and slow down brute force attacks.

Primary LanguageElixir


Drempel provides exponential backoffs for Elixir to put speed bumps on your critical actions and slow down brute force attacks.

Default is a truncated binary exponential backoff (2^x - 1), starting out with 0, 1, 3, ... seconds and cutting off at 4.5 hours.

  • exponential backoff x^2, i.e. fn x -> :erlang.bsl(1, x) * 1_000 end
  • geometric backoff 2x, i.e. fn x -> 2 * x * 1_000 end
  • table based backoff, e.g. fn 0 -> 0; 1 -> 23; 2 -> 42; _ -> 999 end

A bucket cleanup will expunge items older than stale_timeout. In turn one bucket will be cleaned every cleanup_interval milliseconds.