
Playground setup for the Haskell part of a training held for Siemens employees

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Setup notes


You need an installation of the Nix package manager, with flakes enabled (see the NixOS wiki for instructions).


There are (at least) three alternative possibilities to get LSP integration for Haskell working seamlessly. Install the following extensions first:

  • haskell.haskell
  • bbenoist.nix

Then choose one of the following methods, with the first being the simplest:

Starting code from within a Nix environment

  • Enter the Nix development environment via nix develop
  • Then execute code .
  • Open the MyLib.hs file and change something; after a while, you should see some LSP feedback


  • Install direnv
  • Install the mkhl.direnv plugin in VSCode
  • When opening the repository, the plugin will ask you to Allow usage of the .envrc file that already exists -> accept this
  • Now you should see a prompt asking you to restart the extension -> also accept this
  • Open the MyLib.hs file and change something; after a while, you should see some LSP feedback

Nix environment selector

  • Install the plugin arrterian.nix-env-selector
  • After opening the repository, choose Nix-Env: Select environment from the command palette
  • You should be prompted for a Reload -> accept this
  • Open the MyLib.hs file and change something; after a while, you should see some LSP feedback