
Search engine for PimCore 5 to 10.x with filters, actions on results, sub-search

Active Search - Advanced Search Engine with filters, actions and sub-search on results

User friendly search Engine for PimCore 5, 6 and X on objects, assets and documents



  • Search on Objects, Assets, Documents or on all types
  • Filter by type, statut (Published or not), tags, object classes, dates
  • Action on results (Show in tree, open, publish, unpublish, delete) according to the user's rights
  • Actions on one or more search results
  • Search on search results

image Results & Action on several search results

image Search on search result

How to get the plugin

To buy the solution, contact us by mail contact@active-publishing.fr or use form on our website. Coming soon: Direct purchase on our website


Contact us for a remote demonstration


Version: v2.0
Last updated: 11.03.2022
Contact: contact@active-publishing.fr
Website: https://activepublishing.fr