
search_methods - scope vs class method

kryachkov opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a class:

  class User < AR::Base
    search_methods :patients_without_alert_recipients
    def self.patients_without_alert_recipients
      joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN alert_recipients ON alert_recipients.owner_id =').where("users.user_type = 'patient' AND users.role IS NULL AND != ? AND IS NULL", DEFAULT_USER_ID)

When I try to search User model by this method i get wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) error. When this method is defined as scope all works fine

meta_search version is 1.1.3

So as MetaSearch passes the form value to this method (In case of check_box it equals 1) class method should be defined as

def self.patients_without_alert_recipients(*args)

I found that methods defined as scopes do not raise an exception when passed arguments
I suppose it should be mentioned in Readme