Object-based searching (and more) for simply creating search forms. Not currently maintained.
- 0
Using sort_link in engine
#96 opened by simi - 2
Meta_Search overides method.
#91 opened by goncalvesjoao - 2
- 3
- 2
rails 4: In Gemfile: meta_search (>= 0) ruby depends on actionpack (~> 3.1) ruby rails (= 4.0.0) ruby depends on actionpack (4.0.0)
#123 opened by Mashpy - 0
How to search %
#122 opened by greatghoul - 2
- 1
Attribute names cannot have aliases in them
#119 opened by chrismcleod - 1
- 0
present?/presence always returns true
#117 opened by tardate - 0
Can't have fields with _or_ in them
#116 opened by GBH - 2
- 0
Sort column by extracted value
#113 opened by archonic - 2
- 2
Can I use a check_box to implement a date related search? (i.e. show only expired accounts)
#86 opened by theSociableme - 2
- 0
Underscored column name on association
#111 opened by vjnunez - 1
Wrong join condition in SQL
#102 opened by harmaty - 0
undefined method
#110 opened - 0
DEFAULT_WHERES `like` on non-string types
#109 opened by nicolai86 - 1
search_methods - scope vs class method
#107 opened by kryachkov - 1
is_null operation is confusing - it needs a value?
#106 opened by andrewroth - 0
meta_search and acts-as-taggable-on
#105 opened by 3dfxit - 0
- 1
Multiple uses of custom search function fails
#100 opened by helmerj - 0
- 0
- 0
Multi-column sort (different directions)
#98 opened by jonlhouse - 0
- 0
- 0
Search methods for associations
#93 opened by graywh - 0
Problem with meta_search and MySQL
#92 opened by jamgregory - 9
ActiveRecord 3.2?
#83 opened by waynerobinson - 4
Problem on gem install
#90 opened by tommasop - 1
generation of url
#85 opened by fij0 - 1
- 0
Using class_name in model to allow search
#88 opened by marclipovsky - 0
- 1
All records loaded by default
#82 opened by pch - 0
more then one .search(params)
#81 opened by renius - 1
sort_link doesn't accept class nor hash?
#74 opened by holden - 1
undefined method `amountfine_like' for #<MetaSearch::Searches::Fine:0x29b0d618>
#66 opened by glyshko - 0
Problem searching with float types
#73 opened by lpavone - 0
Search using join across multiple database
#71 opened by jmaniv - 2
search using join across databases?
#69 opened by timcreatewell - 2
Large databases
#68 opened by beamercola - 2
Recursive data in has_many relationship
#65 opened by onurbozkurt - 1
- 2
Customize sort_link text with arrow symbols
#60 opened by mwean - 0
Formatting search fields (dates)
#61 opened by gamov