
Ability to specify full file path (not just file name) in command line

TheBudman opened this issue · 8 comments

In the Wiki for the command-line, there is a note:

Note: There is a known bug err "limitation" that you can only specify the name of the file (not the path). Therefore if there are multiple instances of the file inside the msi with the same name and you want to extract that file there is no way to specify which file to extract. If this is a problem for you report an issue and if I know it is important to someone I'll take the time to make that work.

I could use this capability, as our installers have dlls with the same name (in separate folders), for different languages, and I need the ability to extract all of them.

Thanks in advance.

@TheBudman Thank you for leaving your feedback. I really appreciate it! I'll try to find some time to take a look at this over the holidays. Of course, we welcome pull requests from others, and I personally will go above and beyond to review and help others get pull requests merged in here.

Would love to see this merged. I am trying to build a small tool that fixes an issue in Mass Effect 3's physx installer (what a PITA this piece of software is) and I need to extract a few files from it's bundled msi into a certain dirrectory, but they're all named the same, just in different subfolders by version number.

I really need it on my current project. I would really appreciate it if you could merge it !

@TheBudman any chance you still have a patch you could upload here? A zip or whatever you have would be great!

@srebilla @Mgamerz Do you have a link to an .msi with duplicates and the name of the files that you’re trying to get out to at don’t work? Or upload an .msi to this thread.