Atoti AutoPivot automatically creates in-memory OLAP cubes from CSV files, that you can explore from Excel, Tableau or using the embedded Atoti UI web frontend
- AcrissParis
- aerjotl@ing-bank
- arjun-menon#OpenToWork
- bearlly
- blacelleSolven
- chambActiveViam
- cosymanAlipay
- er77Erevan Armenia
- fdelom
- hassane101Paris
- hs41-18Milan, Italy
- josepowera
- julienbienvenu
- lh-lilahamel
- Marc-g-ZDerisk Venture Studio
- mengjin001US
- MirkoTeran
- mkelesHypeNov
- roch1
- SBrown52MongoDB
- snonov
- tht-activeviam@activeviam
- tjj225ActiveViam
- ttpro1995
- uptonkingWuhan
- walnutist
- ybz216
- yijunwu