
The Shaderity-Graph is a tool to resolves a node graph.

package hierarchy


Currently, we only support node graph resolving for GLSL shaders.

Shader creation

By providing a node graph of the shader in the specified JSON format, you can create a shader for GLSL ES 3.0.


  1. In combination with the Shaderity, the output shader can be transformed for GLSL ES 1.0.

  2. Currently, dynamically changing node graphs are not supported. You cannot break the connection between nodes.


Setup Project

$ yarn install

Build project

$ yarn build

The built files will be created under the dist folder.

How to use

You can convert the specified json format into vertex and fragment shader codes using the ShaderityGraphConverter.createShaderCodesFromJsonFile method or ShaderityGraphConverter.createShaderCodesFromJsonObject method.

import _ShaderityGraph from '../../dist/esm/index';

declare const ShaderityGraph: typeof _ShaderityGraph;

(async () => {
  const shaderCodes = await ShaderityGraph.ShaderityGraphConverter.createShaderCodesFromJsonFile('./shaderNodeGraph.json');


You can create a document under the doc folder with the following command:

yarn doc


You can run tests with the following command:

yarn test