
An SSO provider, which provides a Single Sign On functionality based on industry standards and best practices.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Fafnir-SSO is an SSO provider, which provides a Single Sign On functionality based on industry standards and best practices, using 3rd party providers Fafnir generates JWT's which can be used uniformly by web applications in a distributed cloud based setup.

Fafnir-IAM is the IAM module for the Hazelcast provider. It gives the ability to create individual user/pass users, and configure claims for each of those users.

Authentication Providers

Fafnir-SSO supports the following Authentication providers.

  • Apple
  • Economic customers
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Hazelcast (Username/Password)
  • LinkedIn
  • Microsoft Identity
  • MitID
  • SAML 2.0
  • Unilogin
  • Testing

Authentication Tokens

Fafnir-SSO issues JWT RSA-512 tokens, which can be validated using the exposed public key (available on the /public-key route). The fields populated are:

  • sub: The subjects name, as provided by the Authentication provider.
  • iss: The issuer, which will be fafnir-<provider>, where provider is the name of the Authentication provider. (E.g. fafnir-google for the Google provider).
  • iat: The time the JWT was issued at.
  • name: The full name, as provided by the Authentication provider.

Special Fields

There are however some special fields for some of the Authentication providers:


The Hazelcast provider will also populate the role field on the JWT with the claims from IAM. This field is an array of strings.


The SAML provider will populate the role field which each attribute from the SAML IdP. The role field is an array of strings. Each attribute will be an element in the role field, where the attribute is a string of key=value.

This could look like this:

  "role": [
    "company=Acto ApS"


This documents the v3.x releases, for previous versions see the v2 README.

From version 2 onward, configuration has been handled through individual environment variables. Environment variables marked with ✔️ are required if you want to enable that Authentication provider.

Provider Configuration

These are only present on Fafnir-SSO. Fafnir-IAM does not support individual provider configuration.

  • Apple
    • APPLE_AID - The Apple Application ID ✔️
    • APPLE_SECRET - The Apple Secret ✔️
  • Economic customers
    • ECONOMIC_AST - The E-conomic Application Secret Token ✔️
    • ECONOMIC_AGT - The E-conomic Application Grant Token ✔️
  • Facebook
    • FACEBOOK_AID - The Facebook Application ID ✔️
    • FACEBOOK_SECRET - The Facebook Secret ✔️
  • Google
    • GOOGLE_AID - The Google Application ID ✔️
    • GOOGLE_SECRET - The Google Secret ✔️
  • Hazelcast (Username/Password)
    • HAZELCAST_USERNAME_IS_EMAIL - Determines if usernames are stored in lowercase only, so that look ups can be performed case-insensitively, default is false.
    • HAZELCAST_PASSWORD_IS_ENCRYPTED - Determines if passwords are encrypted using RSA encryption, or hashed with bcrypt, default is false.
    • HAZELCAST_MAP_NAME - The name of the Hazelcast Map to use for storing user data. Default is fafnir-users
    • HAZELCAST_TCP_IP_ADDRESS - Makes Fafnir connect to hazelcast using TCP/IP instead of Multicast, to the specified address.
  • LinkedIn
    • LINKED_IN_AID - The LinkedIn Application ID ✔️
    • LINKED_IN_SECRET - The LinkedIn Secret ✔️
  • Microsoft Identity As Fafnir is using OpenID Connect to authenticate, you need to check the "ID tokens" box under "Implicit grant and hybrid flows" in the Authentication menu. If this box is not checked, you will receive an error upon authentication.
    • MSID_AID - The Azure App Application ID ✔️
    • MSID_SECRET - The Azure App Client Secret ✔️
    • MSID_TENANT - THe Azure App's chosen tenancy ✔️
  • MitID
    • MITID_AID - The MitID ClientID ✔️
    • MITID_SECRET - The MitID Client-Secret ✔️
    • MITID_AUTHORITY_URL - The URL to the MitID broker authority (for example https://brokertest.signaturgruppen.dk/op) ✔️ Do note, if Fafnir-SSO has test mode enabled, the MitID provider will use the mitid_demo scope instead of mitid. Fafnir uses the ssn scope in order to add the users name to the resulting JWT.
  • SAML 2.0 SAML can only be configured through FAFNIR IAM.
  • Unilogin
    • UL_AID - The Unilogin Application ID
    • UL_SECRET - The Unilogin Secret ✔️
    • UL_WS_USER - Your Unilogin WebService username ✔️
    • UL_WS_PASS - Your Unilogin WebService password ✔️
    • UL_SSO - Whether to use Unilogin in Single Sign On mode, default is false.
  • Testing
    • TEST_ENABLED - enables the /test endpoint which will always return a valid JWT for a test user.

Fafnir Configuration

Fafnir-SSO and Fafnir-IAM also have some configuration options:

  • Fafnir-SSO

    • FAFNIR_URL - The URL used to access this instance of Fafnir-SSO, default is http://localhost:8080.
    • FAFNIR_SUCCESS - The URL used to access this instance of Fafnir-SSO, default is http://localhost:8080/loginredirect.
    • FAFNIR_FAILURE - The URL used to access this instance of Fafnir-SSO, default is http://localhost:8080/loginerror.
    • HAZELCAST_TCP_IP_ADDRESS - The Hazelcast instance URI. By default it will run an embedded instance. (The embedded instance will try connect to other instances on the same network).
    • KEYTSTORE_PASS - The keystore password.
    • KEY_PASS - The key password.
    • PROVIDER_LOWERCASE_SUBJECT - If set to true, it will transform all subjects returned from the providers to lowercase, default is false. Hazelcast is seperate, see Hazelcast specific configuration.
  • Fafnir-IAM

    • FAFNIR_URL - The URL used to get the public key from the SSO instance, default is http://localhost
    • FAFNIR_PORT - The PORT for the Fafnir-SSO instance, default is 8080.
    • HAZELCAST_TCP_IP_ADDRESS - The Hazelcast instance URI. By default it will run an embedded instance. (The embedded instance will try connect to other instances on the same network).
    • IAM_ADMIN_SUBECT - The subject to generate for the FAFNIR_ADMIN user, default is ADMIN.
    • IAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD - If this is present, IAM will autogenerate a Hazelcast user with the claim FAFNIR_ADMIN which gives access to the IAM dashboard.

Persistent Key Storage

In some cases you may want to store the generated keypair (or use one you generated manually). In this case you should mount a docker volume on /var/lib/fafnir and add the KEYSTORE_PASS and KEY_PASS environment variables.

If one does not already exists, Fafnir-SSO will generate a keystore in the directory, with the name fafnir.jks. (Meaning it will be located on /var/lib/fafnir/fafnir.jks).

The keystore is a standard JKS format, the key alias is "FAFNIR".

Fafnir Client

We also provide a Java library for interacting with Fafnir-SSO. It is called the fafnir-client. And can be installed with Maven or Gradle.

Building from Source

Ensure that you have JDK 17 and Docker installed. Now, to build you need to run:

.\gradlew build

This will build the whole project. Now to run both IAM & SSO, you can run the Compose project:

docker compose up -d --build

You should now be able to access the project. The default compose project includes the IAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable. This will give you access to IAM via the credentials: ADMIN:pass. You can now just open the Hazelcast provider and login with those credentials. From there you should get redirected to the IAM dashboard.