
You must replace file in WeexSample/lib/WeexSDK.framework and then WeexSample project can run correctly

How to get WeexSDK.framework

recommend you to compile from Weex source here,so that you can get the new feature, and can build your own Weex SDK after modifying

  • clone Weex project
    you can use SSH

     git clone git@github.com:alibaba/weex.git

    or use https

     git clone https://github.com/alibaba/weex.git
  • open WeexSDK.xcodeproj in weex/ios/sdk
    switch target just below

  • Build this project or use the xcode default hot key ⌘ + b

  • Finally you can find Products directory in weex/ios/sdk, WeexSDK.framework was here


Integrate to your Objective-C project

  • Import the framework you get above and import system framework img
  • Add SocketRocket:copy here SRWebSocket.h/m to your own Project (if cocoaPods is used in your project,add pod 'SocketRocket' to Podfie )
  • Add SDWebImage here dependency to your project
  • Add main.js(which is in the WeexSDK.framework) to your main bundle img


add -ObjC to your project build settings,just like this
