
A C++ Port of Norvig Spellcheck

Primary LanguageC++

How to write a spellcheck function in C++

This is a C++ port of Norvig spellcheck program in Python.


You will need Bazel, Bazel is a great build tool for Go, C++ and Java projects. Then simply run the run command in Bazel to build and run the main code in the project.

$ bazel run spellecheck:spellcheck-demo
#include "spellcheck.h"

const WORDS_FILE_PATH = "/path/to/a/dict";

int main() {

    auto myDict = lazyReadWords(WORDS_FILE_PATH);
    auto suggestions = spellcheck("hllo");

    for (auto& sugg: suggestions) {
        std::cout << sugg << '\n';


How does it work ?

The spellchecker core algorithm is essentially the maximum likelihood of the distance between an input and possible alterations of the input.

For each word in a corpus we run several corruptions such as removing, transposing or adding more characters. By iterating over the possible corrupted words we choose the one that is closest to the original spelling by comparing the word's probability (how many times it appears in the corpus divided by the corpus size) and returning the best candidate.