As a Paraguay tax resident (having a Tax ID) you have to file VATs (form 211) once a month and sometimes even the summary of receipts (even if you never claimed any). This script files all necessary taxes for you (in case of VAT it files 0 guarani tax).
⚠️ ** Don't use the script if your VAT is not 0!
Feel free to support me if you find this helfpul. Thank you!
You need these two packages to parse json and html: jq
, xmllint
Install brew first if you haven't done so already.
Now install jq
brew install jq
is installed by default on MacOS Ventura (and perhaps older).
Update repo and install the packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq libxml2-utils
Install the packages:
sudo dnf install jq libxml2-utils
Go to a directory of your choice and clone the repo:
git clone && cd file-taxes-paraguay
Either fill in your login information (USERNAME
) in .env
or create .env.local
and add those parameters there.
It may take up to a minute for the script to finish because of random pauses between each request. Let it finish.
You can use cron to run the script automatically on the 2nd day of each month at 3am of your local time.
Open crontab for editing:
crontab -e
and add the following:
0 3 2 * * /home/<user>/<path to script/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Receive a notification everytime the script fails or succeeds to file VAT.
To use Pushover as your notification service, create your pushover token and add the following to .env
or .env.local
PUSHOVER_TOKEN=<your pushover token>
PUSHOVER_USER=<your pushover user>
To use Signal as your notification service, install signal-cli (beyond the scope of this tutorial) and add the following to .env
or .env.local
SIGNAL_NUMBER=<your signal phone number>
I spent a lot of time figuring out Paraguay's tax portal (kudos to Paraguay gov for making it fairly hard to automatize) and making it work.
If you find this script helpful, your Bitcoin or Monero donation is very much appreciated: