LEARN Academy - Day 8
This repo is for challenges on Day 8 at LEARN.
The password checker challenge has good notes in it for what it is doing.
Below is the detail for the car object challenge.
Car Object Challenge
Story 1
-Create a function that creates car objects which have a make, model year, and color.
-Add a function that returns make, model year, and color as one string and use the method to tell the user the car's information.
-Write a function that creates an object that represents a car with the following properties: -model year -make -color -Add a function to the object that is being returned that contatenates the make, year and color.
Story 2
The car can accelerate, brake, and tell you its speed.
-Add a speed variable to the closure of the car object. Add the following functions to the object: -getSpeed: returns current speed -accelerate: increases the speed by 10mph (but does not return anything) -brake: decreases the speed by 7mph (but does not return anything)
Story 3
Create a car object and use a while loop to take its speed up to 50mph. Then use a while loop to brake down to 0mph. Surprise: it doesnt stop at 0mph, fix that.
-Create a loop that accelerates the car up to 70mph. -Create a loop that decelerates the car to 0pmh. -Call break after the car is at 0mph. -Fix the issue.
Hint: The loops use a car object, but is not part of the car object.
Story 4
-Limit the car's maximum speed to 85mph. Try taking it above 80mph and see what happens. Hint: What should happen when you call accelerate at 80mph?
Story 5 (Extra)
Sometimes roads are slippery and downhill, and sometimes brakes fail: make the brake change the speed by a random amount with a maximum of minus 1/2 of the current speed. (Hint: Math.random()). How many iterations does it take to stop the car?