First BlockChain application

Playing with Etherium Smart Contracts

Some Commands

  • Migrate Contracts
truffle migrate
truffle migrate --reset  //force recompilation
  • Compile Contract
truffle compile
  • Start Ganache Ganache is a private simulation of a blockchain to test and simulate your smart contracts running on blockchain, this time it's running on your local machine. Visit Ganache Repo for quick overview and installation

start Ganache server


web3.js is a collection of libs that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node.

Some truffle console commands for test

const instance = await Faucet.deployed() instance.addFunds({value: 2000000000000000000, from: accounts[0]}) instance.addFunds({value: 2000000000000000000, from: accounts[1]})

instance.withdraw('500000000000000000', {from: accounts[1]})

instance.getFunderAtIndex(0) instance.getAllFunders()