Playing with Etherium Smart Contracts
- Migrate Contracts
truffle migrate
truffle migrate --reset //force recompilation
- Compile Contract
truffle compile
- Start Ganache Ganache is a private simulation of a blockchain to test and simulate your smart contracts running on blockchain, this time it's running on your local machine. Visit Ganache Repo for quick overview and installation
web3.js is a collection of libs that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node.
const instance = await Faucet.deployed() instance.addFunds({value: 2000000000000000000, from: accounts[0]}) instance.addFunds({value: 2000000000000000000, from: accounts[1]})
instance.withdraw('500000000000000000', {from: accounts[1]})
instance.getFunderAtIndex(0) instance.getAllFunders()