
dotfiles, configs, etc.

Primary LanguagePython


Clone the repository and initialize the submodules:

git clone git://github.com/acx0/etc.git ~/etc
cd ~/etc
# public:
git submodule update --init link.sh vim/vim-plug
# all/private:
git submodule update --init


link.sh is used to link the dotfiles to their native locations.

Vim Setup

Vim plugin files are not tracked since vim-plug is used to download and update them. vim-plug itself is tracked as a git submodule.

Install plugins using the PlugInstall Vim command, and update them using PlugUpdate:

vim +PlugInstall

vim-plug will handle running any post-{install,update} commands required for completing plugin setup. See vimrc for definition of hooks.

note: YouCompleteMe setup requires the following packages to be installed:

# debian
build-essential cmake python3-dev

# add the following depending on which language servers are enabled
default-jdk golang nodejs npm