
your online portable rubberduck solution!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Before you start

Ensure you have node.js installed. If not, please visit https://nodejs.org/en/download/ to download and install it.

How to run

git clone git@github.com:acyanbird/rubberduck.git
cd ./rubberduck
npm install
npx vite # or npm run dev

Then you should automatically open the browser and see the demo. Or visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

How to deploy

npm run build # or npx vite build

Output files will be in dist folder. Check https://vitejs.dev/guide/static-deploy.html for more information. This online demo is deployed on github pages. You can use workflow config file as a reference.

Online Demo



  • Make rubber duck model available
  • Could change color
  • Light?