
Helpers for AcyOrt

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Helpers for AcyOrt


$ npm i acyort-helper -S


// npm i acyort-render -S

const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const Helper = require('acyort-helper')

// language file
let text = `title: AcyOrt
powered: Powered by %2$s | %1$s
  zero: No posts.
  one: 1 post.
  other: %d posts in total.`
const yml = path.join(__dirname, 'themes/ccc45/i18n', 'default.yml')
fs.writeFileSync(yml, text)

const config = {
  language: 'default',
  timezone: 'UTC',
  root: '/',
  theme: 'ccc45',
  base: __dirname,
const data = {
  posts: [{ id: 0, title: 'title0' }, { id: 1, title: 'title1' }],
  pages: [{ id: 2 }, { id: 3 }],
  categories: [{ id: 4 }],
  tags: [{ id: 5 }]
const helper = new Helper({ config, date })
const {
} = helper.methods

console.log(_posts())             // [ { id: 0, title: 'title0' }, { id: 1, title: 'title1' } ]
console.log(_posts(0))            // { id: 0, title: 'title0' }
console.log(_pages()[0].id)       // 2
console.log(_pages(3).id)         // 3
console.log(_categories()[0].id)  // 4
console.log(_tags()[0].id)        // 5
console.log(_categories(4).id)    // 4
console.log(_tags(5).id)          // 5
console.log(_url())               // /
console.log(_url('path'))         // /path
console.log(_time('2017-11-15T10:50:55Z', 'MMMM DD, YYYY'))   // November 15, 2017
console.log(__('title'))          // AcyOrt
console.log(__('powered', 'GitHub', 'AcyOrt'))  // Powered by AcyOrt | GitHub
console.log(_n('posts', 0))       // No posts.
console.log(_n('posts', 1))       // 1 post.
console.log(_n('posts', 100))     // 100 posts in total.

const fn = s => s.split('').join('.')

// add custom helper function
helper.register('_js', fn)
console.log(helper.methods._js('ab'))   // a.b

text = `title: Mirror
powered: Powered by %2$s | %1$s
  zero: No posts.
  one: 1 post.
  other: %d posts in total.`

// reload the language file
fs.writeFileSync(yml, text)

console.log(__('title'))    // Mirror

helper.resetLocale('zh-cn') // use zh-cn language
console.log(__('title'))    // 中文

// reset the methods