Procedural Jellyfish

Submission (Charles Wang)


Bell and arms

I did nothing too special here, just followed the videos. I did adjust a few of the parameters though.


Following Elyssa's videos, I used nodes to group by range to select points at the "top" and "bottom" of the bell, which become the start and end points of the shortest path node. I use resample and smooth nodes to make it less follow the triangles on the mesh, and then did point deform to make it move along with the bell.


To create the organs, I started with a single line and use the bend node to bend both ends of the tips into a horseshoe shape. I then used the sweep node to create geometry for it, transformed it a little from the center, and copied 3 more copies of it. I then used the mountain node to slightly make the four organs look slightly different.


For the tentacles, I used the vellum simulation just like the arms, except I changed the gravity to -18 so that the tentacles would stay down instead of jumping around. To make it follow the bell, I output the side geometry from the poly extrude node from the bell, which I then converted to points, which I used the copy a single line node from. I used a poly wire to give the curve actual geometry.