
Let's play with color!

Submission (Charles Wang)

I didn't work with anyone.

1. Stripes

Fork this base code and replicate (to the best of your ability) this animation. And imagine I made the gif loop perfectly f813a51b776ad07701ad925c57ac0c4f

2. Damaged VCR

Fork this base code and replicate this animation. Don't worry about getting it exactly right!! Go for overall flavor. 4bfb5193037528965a9590e4a69514f4 (1)

Extra Credit

Too easy? Give nyan cat a rainbow!


  • Create a pull request to this repository
  • In the README, include the names of both your team members
  • In the README, create a link to your shader toy solutions
  • Make sure your shadertoy is set to UNLISTED or PUBLIC (so we can see them!)