
Ansible role which installs and configures user's oh-my-zsh

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Ansible franklinkim.users-oh-my-zsh role

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franklinkim.users-oh-my-zsh is an Ansible role which:

  • installs zsh
  • configures zsh for users


Using ansible-galaxy:

$ ansible-galaxy install franklinkim.users-oh-my-zsh

Using requirements.yml:

- src: franklinkim.users-oh-my-zsh

Using git:

$ git clone https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-users-oh-my-zsh.git franklinkim.users-oh-my-zsh


  • Ansible >= 1.9
  • franklinkim.users


Here is a list of all the default variables for this role, which are also available in defaults/main.yml.

# Extends the franklinkim.users variable with oh_my_zh
# users:
#   - name: Foo Bar
#     username: foobar
#     authorized_keys: []
#     oh_my_zsh:
#       theme: robbyrussell
#       plugins: git
#       case_sensitive: true
#       hyphen_insensitive: true
#       disable_update_prompt: true
#       disable_auto_update: true
#       update_days: 13
#       disable_ls_colors: true
#       disable_auto_title: true
#       disable_untracked_files_dirty: true
#       disable_correction: true
#       completion_waiting_dots: false

# default theme
users_oh_my_zsh_theme: robbyrussell
# update git repo on config run
users_oh_my_zsh_update: no
# default plugins
users_oh_my_zsh_plugins: git
# Use case-sensitive completion
users_oh_my_zsh_case_sensitive: false
# Use hyphen-insensitive completion. Case sensitive
# completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable.
users_oh_my_zsh_hyphen_insensitive: false
# Disable update prompt
users_oh_my_zsh_disable_update_prompt: false
# Disable bi-weekly auto-update checks
users_oh_my_zsh_disable_auto_update: true
# How often before auto-updates occur? (in days)
users_oh_my_zsh_update_days: 13
# If you want to disable colors in ls
users_oh_my_zsh_disable_ls_colors: false
# If you want to disable autosetting terminal title.
users_oh_my_zsh_disable_auto_title: false
# If you want to disable marking untracked files under VCS as dirty.
# This makes repository status check for large repositories much, much faster.
users_oh_my_zsh_disable_untracked_files_dirty: false
# If you want to disable command autocorrection
users_oh_my_zsh_disable_correction: true
# If you want red dots to be displayed while waiting for completion
users_oh_my_zsh_completion_waiting_dots: false


This is an example playbook:


- hosts: all
  sudo: yes
    - franklinkim.git
    - franklinkim.users-oh-my-zsh
      - name: Foo Bar
        username: foobar
        authorized_keys: []
          theme: supertheme


$ git clone https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-users-oh-my-zsh.git
$ cd ansible-users-oh-my-zsh
$ make test


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests and examples for any new or changed functionality.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Note: To update the README.md file please install and run ansible-role:

$ gem install ansible-role
$ ansible-role docgen


Copyright (c) We Are Interactive under the MIT license.