
Repo for Unity projects

Primary LanguageASP

Simple Unity Projects

Abandoned Read-Only Repository

Complete / Almost complete

  1. AA: Replica of the game 'AA' on Android


  1. Car 2D: Simple replica of 'Hill Climb Racing'


  1. Line Rider: Replica of 'Line Rider' with real-time track editing.

title title

  1. Rolling Ball: First Unity game, from the official Unity tutorials.


  1. Scavengers: First 2D rogue-like game, from the official Unity tutorials.


  1. Space Shooter: Space shooter game, from the official Unity tutorials.


  1. UFO: UFO maneuvring game, from the official Unity tutorials.


Incomplete / Doesn't work

  1. 2D Car AI: [Doesn't work] First attempt at a 2D Car AI.
  2. Buoyant: [Doesn't work] Attempt to realistically simulate buoyancy.
  3. CarAi: [Incomplete] Simple car AI to meander a track with marked checkpoints.
  4. Procedural Terrain: [Incomplete] Procedural terrain generation using Perlin Noise.
  5. Sandbox: [Experimental folder]
  6. Top Down car and Top Down Car 2: [Incomplete] Attempts to create a 2D car game