
A very simple dependency injection library for TypeScript/JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very simple dependency injection library in TypeScript leveraging decorators and with support for using from pure Javascript. Features:

  • No external dependencies
  • TypeScript decorators
  • Instance lifetime: Transient and Container
  • Strongly typed factories for specifing additional constructor parameters
  • Doesn't require TypeScript metadata information
  • Usable from pure Javascript (without decorators)

Decorator usage

Decorate classes with @injectable or @injectableAs to specify an interface/symbol the class is provinding (multiple decorators per class allowed). You can specify instance lifetime in the decorator.

Decorate constructor parameters with @inject and specify class/interface/symbol to inject. This is a bit of redundancy that can be eliminated using metadata information, but I didn't want to require metadata for now.

class Test {
    constructor() {}

class TestInject {
    constructor(@inject(Test) private t: Test) {}

Javascript usage

Register classes with Container.register or Container.registerInterface to specify an interface/symbol the class is providing.

Specify dependencies as a simple array corresponding to constructor parameters.

container.register(Test, Lifetime.Transient);
container.register(TestInject, Lifetime.Transient, [Test]);


Use the Contrainer.resolve method to resolve a class/interface/symbol.


Use the Container.factory method to get a factory producing instance of the resolved class. This can be made strongly typed using an interface extending IFactory<T>.

class ParamTest {
    constructor(@inject(Test) private t: Test, additionalParam: string) {}

interface ParamFactory extends IFactory<ParamTest> {
    create(prefix: string): ParamTest;

const f = container.factory<ParamFactory>(ParamTest);
f.create("some additional param");


  • If you use decorators or just class/constructor names to register things a simple toString() is called instead of trying to just get the classname.
  • Typescript doesn't allow to use interface names, so I recommend to declare a simple string value along with the interface with the same name and use this to register interfaces.

To do

  • Proper TS module
  • Some name changes and get rid of DI namespace
  • Validating factory parameter correctness (e.g. number of parameters)
  • Metadata support (for validating factory parameters and automatically injecting constructor parameters)
  • Waiting for ideas...