One Point Five Degrees Celcius

What is this?

This project is the code for Ada Ada Ada's generative art piece One Point Five Degrees Celcius, released on fxhash in February 2022.

The piece features 128 quotes from the infamous IPCC Report on the consequences of Global Warming of 1.5°C.

To symbolize how climate science gets distorted by politicians, companies and other entities in power, each edition features one quote, surrounded by unique chaotic shapes, colors and glitchy effects, all attempting to distract from the clear scientific conclusions.

The piece adjusts to different screen sizes, so it's recommended to try adjusting the browser window.

This project is made with Typescript, p5.js, FettePalette and the font Inter by Rasmus Andersson.

Why is this open source?

For three reasons:

  1. To spread awareness of the Climate Strike License.
  2. To share the algorithm that fits text and shapes to the canvas in a nice way.
  3. To provide easy access to all the 128 quotes that I have gathered for this project.

The License can be found in You can read more about it here.

The algorithm can be found in the prepareLines() function in src/typescript/main.ts.

The quotes can be found in src/typescript/globals.ts.

How to run

Before doing anything, you must install dependencies with yarn or npm i.

Development mode

yarn dev or npm run dev

It can now be accessed on localhost:4000.

Build project and create zip file

yarn build or npm run build


This project is licensed under a modified version of the Climate Strike License (CSL).