This repository contains the code for the ADA-PARC website and research data dashboard. The website is programmed in R. The website code is hosted and run using ShinyApps.
The data explored in this website is sourced primarily from the U.S. Census. The tools
folder contains an R markdown script (census_download.Rmd
) that can be used to download American Community Survey data at the state and census tract levels. This folder also contains scripts written to manage data on the database. The example_state_vars_upload.csv
and example_tracts.xlsx
files can be used with the census_download.Rmd
tool to recreate the city-level data.
The scripts folder contains two R scripts: functions.R
contains the functions used throughout the project, and national_import.R
is a script that generates national tables from the raw data stored on the database.
The dictionaries folder holds dict_vars.csv
, which is used to translate the national tables across the various functions used within the project. It also provides all of the front-end text describing, associating, and displaying the variables on maps, charts, and tables.