
Nuget Package Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT needed to build solution

nathanrona opened this issue · 4 comments

Cloned project and tried to build according to instructions in, however build failed on error "wait_for is not a member of winrt::impl"

Found solution being installing the Nuget Package Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT,

  1. Right-click on Refernces in solution window.
  2. Click manage Nuget packages...
  3. Click browse tab
  4. Find Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT
  5. Install
    After that building worked.

Thanks for sharing!

If someone could create a pull request that fixes this issue, that would be highly appreciated!


After this, still have error posted.

I found someone who fixed it: FeuFeve@7a6ba26

If someone uses the fix, feel free to create a pull request. The commit above has some other changes that may need to go to the .gitignore?