
Failed to load 'BleWinrtDll.dll' because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded.

marianylund opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all, thank you so much for this Dll! It works wonders in Unity.

I am attempting to use it on HoloLens 2 and at first it failed because of the wrong architecture, so I've built the Dll for ARM64 following this guide. Alas, now it fails because it is missing some of the dependencies. I have used Dependencies program to check which I am missing in the BleWinrtDll built for ARM64:

  • MSVCP140.dll
  • VCRUNTIME140.dll

When I check BleWinrtDll built for x64 those Dlls are found, but I am not able to build it to HoloLens since it is wrong architecture.
This is way over my head, so I am wondering:

  • Is there any way to specifically define where those dependencies are?
  • Is there something I should look out for when I am building for ARM64 so that those Dlls are included correctly?

Any tips would be highly appreciated! As I am quite stuck.

Hi @marianylund , you probably need to install the visual studio redistributable from . Maybe you will also hit #11 . I don't have experience with the HoloLens. If you encounter HoloLens-specific problems, you could try to contact the poster from that issue.

Thank you, @adabru, the issue was that the Dll project had to be configured for UWP as @ShumWengSang so kindly pointed out in this issue.
I have created a fork of this repository and updated Unity Project to be ready for HoloLens 2 build together with the Dlls for Unity Editor and HoloLens. Also Arduino code is included if anyone will be interested:
Hope this will help the next HoloLens enthusiasts! ;D