
Test gemfile lock dependency specifications

Primary LanguageRuby


Test gemfile lock dependency specifications


This is a test to demonstrate how dependencies specified in the Gemfile.lock retain their specification version.

Pre-test Verification

  1. In Gemfile.lock, under webmock, note crack (>= 0.1.7) is specified.
  2. In Gemfile.lock, note crack (0.3.2) is specified.
  3. Run gem search crack -ra | grep "^crack ("
  4. Verify a version newer than crack 0.3.2 is specified (e.g. 0.4.0)

Test Steps

  1. Run bundle install --deployment

Post-test Verification

  1. Verify Installing crack (0.3.2) is output to stdout.
  2. Run find ./ -type d -name crack-0.3.2
  3. Verify crack 0.3.2 was installed in the vendor path.