
PCB files for the Adafruit UDA1334A I2S Stereo DAC Breakout


Adafruit UDA1334A I2S Stereo DAC PCB

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PCB files for the Adafruit UDA1334A I2S Stereo DAC Breakout. Format is EagleCAD schematic and board layout

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This fully-featured UDA1334A I2S Stereo DAC breakout is a perfect match for any I2S-output audio interface. It's affordable but sounds great! The NXP UDA1334A is a jack-of-all-I2S-trades: you can use 3.3V - 5V logic levels (a rarity), and can process multiple different formats by setting two pins to high or low. The DAC will process data immediately, and give you a clear, analog, stereo line level output. It's even cool with MCLK-less I2S interfaces such as the Raspberry Pi (which it's ideal for) - a built in PLL will generate the proper clock from the bitclock signal.

For inputs, you can use classic I2S (the default) or 16-bit, 20-bit or 24-bit left justified data. You can set it up to take an input system/master clock but we default-set it to just generate it for you, so you only need to connect Data In, Word Select (Left/Right Clock) and Bit Clock lines. If you want, there's a mute pin and a de-emphasis filter you can turn on.

We put in plenty of ferrite beads, a low-dropout regulator, and the recommended band-pass filter so you get a very nice clean output. With a sine-wave generator we swept through 20-20KHz and saw no attenuation or distortion. Plug into either the 3.5mm stereo headphone jack or the breadboard-friendly pads. We think you'll be pleased with this DAC!

Each order comes with one I2S Stereo DAC breakout and some header you can solder on.


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Designed by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.

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